Motorcycle Troops
Eichmann signals for the motorcycle troops to lead the way. -
Synagogue Vandalized
Two men painted "Juden Raus" (Jews Out) on the Synagogue walls. -
Klaus Taking after his father
Klaus bought cigarettes while his two younger brothers got ice cream and candy. -
Hitler's Thugs
The Jewish shops and homes were robbed by Hitler's thugs. -
Harel Has A Meeting With Th Israeli Foreign Minister
They find out that Adolf Eichmann is alive and they know his location -
Aharoni gets past security
Aharoni carries important documents about what the Israelis knew about Eichmann. -
Aharoni Boards Plane
Aharoni sees Harel coming down the aisle on the plane to Israel and shows him a picture of Eichmann -
Ben-Gurion and Isser Harel have a meeting
The two of them talk about capturing Eichmann, Ben-Gurion says "dead or alive." Although he preferred him alive for the young generations of Israel, it would be morally important. -
Bus Stop
Men are waiting at a bus stop at a remote location when another man plans to interrupt them. -
Klein's Memories
Klein's father, mother, and younger brother were sent to the gas chambers -
Harel talks to his men to motivate them
He says you were chosen by destiny. He told them about the importance of their job. -
Eichmann is captured
When he is captured he says in German "I am already resigned to my fate." -
Eichmann is interogated
They want to put him on trial and it would be a proper court case, Eichmann would have a lawyer. -
Tabor builds box for Eichmann
He labels it, From: ISRAELI EMBASSY, BUENOS AIRES. TO: FOREIGN MINISTRY, JERUSALEM with Eichmann inside the box. -
Malkin entertains Eichmann
He plays music, gets him wine and cigarettes. When Yaakov Medad sees what is happening he is furious for awarding him. -
Eichmann is sedated
Dr. Eilan uses a dangerously large needle to inject Eichmann with a sedative so he sleeps through the flight. -
Eichmann is stressed out on the plane
Eichmann is smoking a lot of cigarettes and shaking on the plane. Harel feared that he might kill himself. -
Ben-Gurion announces Eichmann's capture
Shalom Dani, Rafi Eitan, and Peter Malkin were very angry that he announced his capture before they were safe back at Israel. -
Eichmann is hung
He is indicted after being on trial for his crimes at Auschwitz.