Louis Zamperini

  • Louis Zamperini is born

    Louis Zamperini was born to Italian immigrants in Olean, New York. He was raised in Torrance, California. As a child he was very rebelious and was often in trouble for stealing and drinking. However with his great gift of speed and endurance he often got away. http://www.biography.com/people/louis-zamperini
  • National High School Track Record

    National High School Track Record
    Louie's older brother Pete, in an effort to help get him out of trouble, convinced Louie to join the high school track team. Louie was an excellent long distance runner and broke many records including the National High School Track Record. After his high school career he was given a scolarship to the University of Southern California.
  • The 1936 Olympics

    The 1936 Olympics
    19 year old Louie was selected to compete in the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin, Germany. Louie ran the 5000 meters, pitted against the best in the world. Louie did not medal, he finished eighth, however he ran an unpresidented 56 second last lap.
  • Crash lands in the Pacific

    Crash lands in the Pacific
    On a search and rescue mission in the pacific ocean Louie's bomber malfunctioned and crashed into the ocean. Only three survived, Francis "Mac" McNamara, pilot Russell Allen "Phil" Phillips, and Louie. Phil and Louie survived for 47 days on a raft with only rain water to drink and albatross, and fish to eat. http://www.biography.com/people/louis-zamperini
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  • Captured by Japanese

    Captured by Japanese
    47 days after crashing into the ocean a japanese battleship spotted them and captured them. Phil and Louie were releived to be off the raft, but the Japanese were less than hospitable. Louie and Phil would be in for the most difficult 2 years of their life. http://www.biography.com/people/louis-zamperini
  • Zamperini rescued from Japan

    Zamperini rescued from Japan
    After the war Louie, Phil, and all the other POW's in the camp were rescued, and taken to a hospital, because most POW's were malnourished and sick.
  • Zamperini became a christian

    After the war Louie expreienced PTSD and drank to keep it at bay. Nearly ending his marrage with his wife Cynthia. However Cynthia convinced Louie to go to a Billy Graham crusade where he became a christian. https://www.awesomestories.com/asset/view/Louis-Zamperini-with-Billy-Graham-Los-Angeles-1949
  • Zamperini starts Victory Boys camp

    Zamperini starts Victory Boys camp
    Louie started Victory Boys camp for boys who often had been convicted of crimes. He made a way for boys to get a "thrill" without having to do anything illegal.
  • Carried the torch

    Carried the torch
    In 1998 Louie went back to Japan for the Olympics and carried the torch. While in Japan he seeked out his captors and forgave them, however Mutsuhiro Watanabe, also known as "The Bird" would not see him.
  • Louis Zamperini died

    Louis Zamperini died
    Louie died at age 97 of pneumonia. Considering all the things Louie went through and experienced, he was a tough man to kill.