Louis XIV

  • Born

    Louis XIV was born at Saint-Germain-en Laye France to Louis XIII and Anne of Austria.
  • Takes Crown

    He was almost five years old when he took over the throne from his Father. Although he was a very neglectaed child.
  • The Fronde

    The civil war which started by the prime minister Jules Cardinal Mazarin. Louis suffered a lot during this time.
  • Apprentice

    Mazarin beat the rebels and began to have Louis as his apprentice.
  • Marrage

    He married Marie-Thérèse of Austria, who was the daughter of King Philip IV of Spain, in order to have peace between the countries.
  • Responsibility of the kingdom

    Mazarin died on the 9th, which afterwards Louis announced he would be taking over full responsibility of the kingdom.
  • Affair of the Poisons

    Marquise de Montespan took over as Louis mistress, replacing Madame de la Valliére. Marquise de Montespan then became implicated in the Affair of the Poisons. Which accused many important people of murder and sorcery.
  • Secret Marriage

    Queen died, causing him to secretly marry Madame de Maintenon. He was in love with her and stayed faithful even at age 70.
  • Loss

    France almost lost all of the advantages they had achieved over the past years, because of all the unneeded wars that Louis forced France into.
  • Death

    King Louis died in Versailles, France. A few days before his 77th birthday.