Period: to
Prenatal development and birth
Mark develops healthy and whole in the nine months he spends in his mother's womb. He grows to a healthy 8 pounds and is delivered one week earlier than his due date. -
Period: to
First two years
Mark begins to learn language, motor, and social skills. He begins first with motor skills begining to walk and grasp. He says his first words while going through piaget's six steps in his sensorimotor stage. His first word is mama. -
Babble talk
Mark begins to babble talk in response to those around him. He uses mimicry to try and communicate. Words like "dada" are not recognized as symbolic to mark yet. -
First steps
Mark first begins to understand balance and goal directed behavior in the fourth step of piaget's sensorimotor stage. -
Mark's first words
Mark says his first real words "mama". This shows development of piaget's sixth step, showing symbloic thought and creation of schemas. This exhibits a usage of holophrasic speech. -
Stranger danger
Mark shows string attachment to his mother and begins to ellicit signs of stranger danger when encoutering his family members. -
Language Skills
Mark begins to string words together to form rudamentary sentences like "want water" and "no more dance". This shows stronger understanding of symbolism and content of language.This also shows an understanding for scoial behavior and interation between two idividuals. This icludes telegraphic speech patterns. -
Mark begins to enter his "anal" stage thinking that the world is there to serve him and everything he can touch are his. growing up wtih an older brother doesn't help him, as according to his mother he was a quote: "handful". -
Period: to
The play years 2-5
Mark begins to develop into his own personality during the pre-operational phase demonstrating psychosocial growth. He begins to master some tasks by using and creating experiences. mark also begins to understand that the world is a bit bigger than home when he ventures into preschool and has social necessities imposed upon him, challenging his naturally egocentric toddler life. Also he develops quickly when he starts school. -
Play dates
Mark begins play dates with friends and cousins and begins to learn through empathy and the importance of sharing. This shows a development of social cognition and understanding of behavior and effects. -
First day of school
Mark attends his first day of school. He learns in depth social interaction and how to satisfy the needs of responsibility to his teacher. Also, he really likes nap-time. -
Awkward talks
Mark was playing with two stuffed animals and one birthed another, leading to questioning to his mom. He asked about where babies come from and the differences between boys and girls genitalia. This began his cognitive understanding of physical sexual differences between girls and boys. this showed development of during the phallic stage. -
First Grade and language
Now that mark has had some preschool and interaction, he is ready to move into first grade. Here more social folkways are implied and recieved through his increased ability of language. Now mark begins to hold more representation in his words and how they are said. -
Period: to
School years 6-11
Mark grows in spurts, begins to have his lateral growth develop, and a sense of metacognition in his thoughts. Piaget refers to this phase as the operational stage, showing affinity for classifications, ordering, and identity. -
Second grade
Mark begins to develop his ability to draw, even selling pictures to classmates and family of lions and dinosaurs. this demonstrates a strong development of his fine motor skills, along with an increase desire in the concept of money and profit. This also begins to define the concept of a work ethic. -
Second grade music class
While trying to figure out how to play the recorder, Mark's personality to develop. His class was taking an excessive amount of time trying to figure out how to hold the recorder and he saw this as holding him back, so he decided to tell the class to stop asking if the placement was right and just match the teacher's hands. This showed early signs of his social growth and desire for control/leadership in groups. -
Mark begins to have stronger lateralization of his two hemispheres, in his brain. this will lead to more operational thought processes and logical development. -
Spelling tests
Mark begins to understand language and context while aslo firmly grasping memory. His weekly spelling test showed him the capacity of his didatic learning and his metamemory. This also begins to establish his ego with positive results in the form of good test scores. -
Catching him red handed
Mark was questioned as to why he did not trun an assignment in on time that he thought he had. He was flustered and grew impatient when trying to explain to the teacher he had. This lead to the discovery that another student had stolen the assignment and wrote their name on it. This categorizes the concept of peer pressure the other student faced, as he was put up to the task by friends. -
Middle school
Mark begins to develop his concept of blonging and industry in his middleschool years gageing his preformance with that of others and trying to select friends in of the same caliber in his interests. This leads to mark enjoying sports, video games, and art after school with friends, boostiung both his concept of esteem and self-concept. -
Period: to
Adolescence and teen years
Mark begins to try to develop into the person he wants to be while integrating his social pressures. He begins highschool, changes schools, and even begins to date and work. These years end up being very changing and temultuous. He also finds love in a highschool seetheart. -
Mark hears the new that his father has passed away in his sleep. this confuses mark and makes him re-evaluate his life and what could have been. He is not terribly distraut as his father was not always present in his life, but none the less it is at a pivotal point in mark's life. this leads to desire of praise from older father like figures in Marks life, including bosses, ncles, and grandparents. -
Mark hits puberty, releasing a strong array of hormones through his body changing him both physically and mentally. this causes mark to grow rapidly and in spurts while also brigning out the desire of female attention. This also leads to uneasy behavior and awkwardness in and around girls of the same age. -
New Kid
Mark moves from walled lake to South Lyon and in the process loses all of his friends and has to start fresh at the end of middle school. this leads to more isolated behavior and personal doubt of self when around an entire new set of people. This molds mark into a more isolated and introverted person when around strangers. -
First Kiss
Mark begins to explore his sexuality as he begins to date and kiss girls. He finds himself often overcome with desire for female attraction and acts in the form of kissing out his ten angst. -
working man
Mark has the desire to have money and acquire his own belongings without the need for help from his parents. Mark decides to get a job washing dishes at a local restaurant to make a few extra dollars. this satisfies a desire to be self-sufficient and helps him develop an stronger ideal of personality and selfactualization. -
New Car
Mark saves up cash from his job to but a new vehicle. this satisfies his need for independence and helps fill the void of transportation that is often a lagging in a highschooler. Often too, teens pressure socailly the need for money and transportation that is not dictated by adults. -
Period: to
Early adulthood, College years
Mark finds himself out of his ten years faced with creating a life fro himself. he goes to college to gain a career and in the process discovers true love. He also plans for his aging and his children's lives in the process. -
New Diggs
Mark closes on his first home. It is a small condo in south lyon. He does this BEFORE graduating high school. This creates a place for mark to grow into the self sufficient person he desired to be. It also affords him new freedoms and boundaries with his friends and family. -
Highschool graduation
Mark graduates form south lyon high at the EMU convocation center in Ypsilanti. Mark is the first of his siblings to graduate on time. Mark's family attends further streghtening bonds with his assimilation to his ideal of self. -
Mark Asks his highschool sweheart to move in with him into his new home. She accepts and mark is faced itht he challenge of assimilating his own practices and values wiht another persons. He has to build extremely strong intrapersonal relationships and adjust to the new concept of living with another person. -
Mark decides to take his long term relationship with his girlfriend to the next level. This indicates maturation and social pressure culminating into a long term decision. This will also be the first step taken toward building a family, as Mark has chosen a partner for life. -
College graduation
Mark graduates from eastern michigan university at the top of his nursing class. He studied to find a job in this rewarding field to help lead a life he want. this is an outward projection of his nurturing instincts, undoubtedly instilled by his uppbringing. -
Period: to
Middle age (first half)
Int he first half of his middle years Mark is tasked with finishing schol, having a wedding, and starting a family. He builds up his job status and family though these years. His aging process beomes more mature and his sense of inner self becomes more cognitively aware of his self-actualization. -
Grad School
After spending time training in his new hospital job Mark decides to continue his education to specialized his skills. Mark decides that going back to grad school is the right move to help support his family and eliviate some pressure on his wife as they start a family. His behavior indicates growth and realization of those around him and family values. -
Baby on board
Mark finds out the great news that after trying only one month he and his wife are now pregnant wiht their first child. He is assimilating with societal norms while also trying to fill the gap of family that he can no longer achieve by beign an uncle. he is now twenty eight and ready to grow a family of his own. -
Three is a party
Mark find out that he is going to have twins! Two baby boys. Mark is continuing to grow his family and fill the void of a father that he was left with at a young age. this shows development and acutalization of self. -
New House
With the growing family Mark and his wife decide to get a larger home in whicht hey can raise kids and grow old in. This fulfills a necessity for both space and comfort, as he plans to grow older with his family and wife. -
Jugling like crazy
With a new home and a growing family mark has a hard time balancing everything. He creates stress around him by biting off more than he can realistically do. Projects aound the house, the kids, and his career. Mark must find balance by making time for himslef to find psychological stability and freedom. -
Being involved
Mark decides that he wants to be more involved in his children's lives. he decides to become a coach in their sports teams to be more activly involved. -
Job growth
Mark invests more of his time devoted to his health and his job. he begins actively pursuing promotions, as the cultural norms dictate, He also invests more of his time into swimming and biking to stay youthful and strong as he begins to age. -
Period: to
Middle Age (second half)
Mark finds himself aging and grwoing older. He has to face the eventual decline of his physical abilities. He has to face his retirement and a midlife crisis in this stage of his life. this is also the period where mark must decide how he wants to retire and his families needs. His mental health is in good order but his physical health is beginning to wane. -
too much too fast
Mark injures himself training for a marathon. He realizes that he is aging and must come to terms with his new body and its limitations. He is faced with the hard to swalow pill that he is aging and it is not reversible or preventable. He is forced to face his inveitabl mortality. -
Mark has what is sometimes referred to as a midlife crisis after his kids are beginning to not be kids anymore. He faces a societal pressure to be something he is not and he begins to show signs of unknown self. He buys a muscle car to satisfy his urge to be a little more reckless in his age, -
Mark decides that although he is still in good health he should retire from his high stress hospital job and involve himeslf in the community moe. htis is a common practice for his peers and he is conforming to socail norms. -
Giving back
Mark creates a charity to help underprivledged youth the opportunity to better their lives and go to college. He does this with business partners and works at it as a new project on the side. this shows a higher awarness for social responsibility. -
Period: to
Old age and death
Mark retires and becomes more active in his community and family. He is faced with the death of friends and relatives and the eventual death of himself. His mental and physical health both slowly decline as he nears his death. However he can take to heart his life past 100. -
Community involvement
Now that mark is retired he is now available more than ever. He is faced with filling his time with meanigful work. He chooses to work fulltime at his charity while being involved with his family. Mark needs to give back to satisfy his desire to be both involved and remembered. Facing death is hard for and individual and in a way his chairty allows for his name to live on. -
Death of Mother
Mark's mother dies at the age of eighty eight. he is faced wiht burrying his mother and dealing witht he inevitable death of himself and his wife. He is faces with staying sharp and never agin being bale to rely on his parents for strength or support. -
Mark always trying to entertain, is constantly hosting parties to satisfy the need for socail interaction. As an elderly individual social interaction is paramount in keeping a sharp mind and living a long life. -
Mark passes away at the old age of 101, he passes the same night as his wife. They leave behind a legacy of charit and knidness. They became the corner stone of a beautiful family of four children and multiple more grandchildren. they will be forever remembered by the genrations of family to come.