progris riport 1
Charlie Gordon, under Dr.Strauss's recommendation, starts writing progress reports. He has an I.Q. of 68, and he hopes the "experts/doctors.experimentors" will use him for a operation that will make him smart/. "I hope they use me . . . I want to be smart . . . I have nuthing more to rite now so I will close for today." (371) -
progris riport 2
Charlie takes a raw shok test. He is asked to describe what he saw in a patch of spilled ink. At first he felt good about it, but he fails the assignment to think about what he sees, so Charlie is very worried this might affect whether he would get the operation or not. "I had a test today. I think I faled it. and I think that maybe now they won't use me . . . I don't think I passd the raw shok test." (371-372) -
progris riport 3
Charlie Gordon takes more weird tests, like the "THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST" and he keeps thinking he failed those quizzes too. Also, Charlie meets the Algernon, the white mouse, for the first time, and loses the "amazeds" every time. "Maybe white mice are smarter than other mice," thinks Charlie Gordon. (374) -
progris riport 4
The doctors decide to use Charlie Gordon for the operation. Charlie gets a little worried when Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss argues about it, but he promises himself how he would try hard after he receives the operation. He says, "After the operashun Im gonna try to be smart. Im gonna try awful hard." (375) -
Progress Report 6
Charlie just got the operation. I think at this stage, there aren't any obvious improvements, but he is very excited and ready for those improvements to come at any time. Also, Charlie Gordon finally spells "progress report" correctly, after Dr. Strauss tells him. "Maybe if I ask him he will tell me how I can think now that Im suppose to get smart. What do smart people think about. Fancy things I suppose. I wish I knew some fancy things already. (376) -
Progress Report #
After Charlie Gordon has gotten the operation, he didn't get noticably smarter right away. But now, he beat Algernon in the maze game! This means a lot to him, because it also means that the operation is working after all. He also finds out that Algernon got the same operation with him, and feels uneasy about something. "I beat Algernon! I dint even know I beat him until Burt the tester told me . . . I must be getting smart to beat a smart mouse like Algernon. But I dont feel smarter." (380) -
Progress Report #
Miss Kinnian starts teaching Charlie Gordon about punctuations. he doesn't get the concept at once, so he has some trouble at first, but he quickly understands it after reading a grammar book. He literally learns everything about punctuations and spelling overnight. "There, are lots! of rules? to lern; but I'm gettin'g them in my head . . . What a dope I am! . . . I read the grammar book last night and it explanes the whole thing." (382) -
Progress Report 11-#
Charlie Gordon takes the Rorshach Test again, which is the test he took with inkblots on pieces of cardboard. Unlike last time, he actually imaginzes and sees shapes and pictures in the "inkblots." He still doesn't understand what this test can possibly be for, but when he is explained the instructions, he understands the wording differently. "The test still doesn't make sense to me . . . Maybe I'll understand it when Dr. Strauss lets me read up on psychology." (385-386) -
Progress Report 12-#
Charlie Gordon has now reached the point where his intellectual level is so high that he is unable to communicate with anyone. He just stays at his apartment, failing to even talk with Miss Kinnian. "I am very disturbed . . . I tried to avoid all discussions of intellectual concepts and to keep the conversation on a simple, everyday level, but she just stared at me blankly and asked me what I meant about the mathematical variance equivalent in Dorbermann's Fifth Concerto." (390) -
Progress Report 13
Algernon bit Charlie Gordon. Algernon is also showing strange behaviors that are quite frankly worrying all the scientists. These behaviors meant some things, and Charlie knew that this could happen to him too. However, through this devastation, Charlie finds strong willpower. "I am well aware of their limitations. If there is an answer, I'll have to find it out for myself. Suddenly, time has become very important to me." (393-394) -
Progress Report-#
Algernon dies. A dissection of Algernon has proved Charlie that the same deteriorating will happen to him someday. From then on, Charlie Gordon starts to deteriorate rapidly. He is unable to do lots of things, he even remembers childhood memories. "All gone." (397) -
Progress Report #
Charlie Gordon's intellectual capacities are totally fading away. He is struggling to hold on to them, but they don't they. In a couple days he leaves a letter, saying to please put flowers on Algernon's grave. "Please . . . please let me not forget how to read and write . . . " (401)