Legend of Turen

  • The man born

    Main character of the story born
  • Period: to

    Tay Son Dynasty

    Mekong Delta was ruled by Tay Son until when Nguyen Dynasty invades Tay Son on 1788
  • The man joined Tay Son army

    Tay Son had a war against Nguyen dynasty at that time
  • Tay Son Dynasty collapse

    As a result of this, the man escapes from his hometown
  • The man met the woman in a village

    The woman was sick and he saved her life. As a result, they are married. They plant a silkworm and made a silk
  • The man eats Tu ren

    The woman let the man eat Turen. He hesitated but he eventually ate and liked it.
  • The woman dies

    the wife got flu when she was back from pagoda. The husband try many ways but failed. The wife deaths separated their love.
  • The man leaves the village returning to his hometown

    Hearing Nguyen Dynasty stopped looking for the for those people who follow Tay Son, His relatives in his wife’s home town sent him a message to come back to the hometown. He bring Turen seeds with him to plant in his hometown.
  • The man plants Tu ren

    The man plants Tu ren seeds in his hometown and took care of the plant.
  • Tu ren tree makes a fruit

    The man invited villagers to eat Tu ren. They hesitated but they eventually ate it. The man told villagers about his life and his lover.
  • The man dies

    The man suddenly dies after he and his friends ate Tu ren fruit. From that day, anytime villager ate this fruit, they remember his story. They call Tu ren as Durian to memorise the love of both love.