
Kingdom of the Franks

  • 300

    Evolution of the Barbarians

    Evolution of the Barbarians
    When the barbarians had invaded all the land around Rome and they began to learn Roman customs, like living in houses, shaving and taking baths. They were taught about Christianity and became civilized. These were the people coming to take over the land of Gaul..
  • Period: 481 to 511

    Clovis I

    At twenty, Clovis became the leader of the Franks and he set out to make all of Gaul into one empire. He ruled the land which is modern day France. He also became a Christian because he wanted God to help him fight his enemies.
  • 509

    Four Tribes, One Nation

    Four Tribes, One Nation
    Under Clovis' rule, he brought together the Franks, the Romans, the Burgundians, and the Allemani into one people. First he built one capital city, then he decreed everyone become a Christian, and one law, called the Salic Laws.