

  • 1. King Uther & Igraine

    1. King Uther & Igraine
    King Uther was hopelessly in love with Igraine, but she was not with him. He knew a magician called Merlin, and went looking for him to come to his aid. He told her that if he could make Igraine fall in love with him, Merlin agreed but on one condition, he would make Igraine fall in love if Uther gave him his first child. And so they did.
  • King Uther is sick

    King Uther is sick
    Shortly after performing that "barter" King Uther became ill, and contacted Merlin to announce what was going on in his city.
    He told him that he needed his son Arthur to give him the post of king, as he would soon die and his city needed a king.
  • King Arthur was a young

    King Arthur was a young
    When King Arthur was young, the magician Merlin decided to visit him. Some of the knights tried to pull the great sword out of the stone, but none were capable. Since only the king could get her out. The knights were very angry.
    Later, Merlin confessed to Arthur who his real parents were and told him that he was there for a deal he and his father agreed to.
  • 2. King Arthur & Guinevere

    2. King Arthur & Guinevere
    King Arthur went to visit his friend Leodegraunce. And... fell in love with his daughter Guinevere. They finally get married and throw a party in a big way
  • The Round Table

    They create the round table where 150 men from re Arthur will sit, and there is only one chair that is for their best knight, that years later sir Galahad will sit there. Knights, as usual, they're dying, but it's no problem, they're sitting new knights.
  • Queen Annoure and her riches.

    Queen Annoure and her riches.
    King Arthur, he went to visit his people. He saw a large forest and went into it. He saw a large castle, queen Annoure. She said she was the richest in the world, and she started teaching her all her riches one by one.
  • 3. The fight

    3. The fight
    That same day he had a long struggle against a gentleman who when they were in the middle of the fight did not know who he was. King Arthur won the battle, and at last discovered who he was, he was one of his knights.
  • Sword on the lake.

    Sword on the lake.
    Having won the fight, Merlin guides Arthur to the lake where the Escalibur sword is.They reached the desired place, and right in the center of the lake was an arm holding the sword. This, King Arthur, went into the lake until he caught her.
  • 4. A strange room.

    King Arthur when he awoke, realized that he was not on the crew of Morgan Le Fay, was in a small room with a window and three knights.
  • The fake swood.

    Sir Dmas calls King Arthur to come and see him. And he told him that if he could fight for him. King Arthur said yes, but on one condition, if he won the fight he took the three knights who were in his very room.And Sir Damas calls a gentleman to bring him the sword he should fight with. King Arthur thought it was the Sword Escalibur.
  • Sword Escalibur.

    The fight began, and... King Arthur, his sword broke. And that's when he found out it wasn't the Escalibur sword. But he still won the fight.
    He ended up winning but didn't kill the opponent because he found out he was one of his knights. And he realized that the sword the knight carried was the Escalibur.
  • The nuns.

    Morgan Le Fay went looking for him, couldn't find him anywhere. Finally came across him, he was with the nuns because he had suffered serious injuries. King Arthur wanted to leave, but the nuns didn't want to because he wasn't quite ready.
  • The Sunken Sword.

    King Arthur went looking for Morgan le Fay. A man over there told her that he had seen her pass by the very fast river. King Arthur went to the lake as fast as he could, but it was too late. Morgan Le Fay threw the sword at the bottom of that black lake, and said she would never fight her again.After a long road trying to follow Morgan Le Fay's horse, he gave up and decided to return to Camelot.
  • 5. About to die.

    Merlin since Arthur was little, taught him to be a good gentleman and a good kind.
    When Merlin was an older man, he went to visit Arthur to let him know it wouldn't last long.
    Arthur asked him if with his magic he could for this, and Merlin answered no, he could not stop him.
    Merlin told him that he would be in a dark cave, and that from there he could not return.
  • VIvien

    After the talk between Merlin and Arthur, Vivien went to Camelot.
    Before, he had also gone to visit the lady of the lake. She was learning from the magic of the lady of the lake, and went to Camelot to continue learning from Merlin.
    walking alongside merlin, they see on a mountain the magic cave. They knew the magic words for the cave to close, not the ones that opened it.
    And Merlin locked himself in it
  • 6. the statement

    Prepare a party at Guinevere Castle, meanwhile, sir Miligrance arrived who declares himself to Guinevere. She calls Lancelot to fight this one, and Lancelot wins. Miligrance apologizes for not winning Guinevere, but she tells him that nothing happens and that she isn't angry.
  • The escape

    They go to Dir Miligrance's castle, where he sets a trap for Lancelot.
    A woman who was in love with Lancellot, as she was the bravest and the strongest, tells her where to escape.
  • 7.

    The king of Lyonesse went into the woods and did not return, then his pregnant wife decided to go looking for him, and in the middle of the forest had his son, and put Tristram on it. When he finally found the king, he only told him the name of his son, and soon died.
  • poison

    Soon the king had another wife and they also had a son. She didn't want Tristram, so she poured poison into her drink, but in the end it was she who drank it and who died.
  • the fight

    Isolt, The daughter of King Mark, falls in love with Sir Palamides and wanted to get married. She went into the woods, and they went looking for her, and there began a fight between Sir Palamides and Tristram, which was won by TRristram, who when he already had the derived rival shouted: Get out of here and don't speak She told him not to kill him, and Tristram didn't kill him for Isolt. She told him to let him go with the king to become a good kinight.
  • Unexpected death

    Tristram takes Isolt to King Mark's casting. And days later Tristram took Isolt to the beach and sang him a song with his harp,and she was listening to him with a smile on her face. They didn't notice, but Mark chased them to the beach and was listening to the song too. He drew his sword, and hit him on Tristram's feet and kept him to the ground in front of Isolt, and the long time died. Isolt spent his whole life lamenting that moment going to the beach.
  • 8. The old men.

    A young man appears, who was the son of Lancelot, one of the knights of the round table. Him name is Sir Galahad. and the king appoints him knight of the Round Table.
  • Look for the Grail.

    Sir Galahad is in search of the Grail.
    And three of the knights said to go with him. Then the king thought it would be the end of the Round Table.
    After a long journey, they finally found the Grail, and returned to Camelot.
  • The end of the Round Table

    When they arrived the king was very happy, but at the same time sad because he said that the round table was already coming to an end,since many of the knights have died and no new knights to occupy the empty places at the Round Table.
  • 9. The Lie

    While in France, Sir Modred went to talk to Queen Guinevere and told him that the king had died, because he wanted to take her.
    Then quickly, the king went to Camelot, and began the fight.
    They threw the whole day fighting, and the king went to see how they were going, and all his knights were dead on the ground.
  • King Arthur is dies

    King Arthur, killed Sir Modred but he fell to the ground and with his sword wounded the king, and they had to take him to a small church near the lake.
    King Arthur said he would die, then, and told his knight Bedivere, to throw his sword into the lake.After two of the knight's lies, he throws her into the lake.
    And King Arthur told him to take him too. To take him to the boat where ladies he knew were waiting for him but they were dead.