250px king john

King John

  • 1166


  • Apr 24, 1185

    He leaves for Ireland to administer for his father

    He leaves for Ireland to administer for his father
  • May 21, 1199

    He arrives in England

    He arrives in England
  • May 27, 1199

    He is crowned in Westminster Abbey

    He is crowned in Westminster Abbey
  • May 22, 1200

    He and Philip conclude the peace treaty of Le Goulet

    He and Philip conclude the peace treaty of Le Goulet
  • Aug 24, 1200

    Marries Isabelle of Angouleme

    Marries Isabelle of Angouleme
  • Oct 1, 1207

    HIs son Henry III is born

    HIs son Henry III is born
  • May 15, 1214

    He places England and Ireland under papal overlordship.

    He places England and Ireland under papal overlordship.
  • 1216
