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King John

  • Dec 24, 1167


    He was born in Beaumont Palace, Oxford.
  • 1199

    How he became king

    How he became king
    Richard died, so John was next in line.
  • 1212

    Bad thing #1

    Bad thing #1
    He was a bad King because he never used to keep his promises for money!
  • 1213

    Bad thing #2

    Bad thing #2
    He was a bad King because he put innocent people in jail so that he could steal their belongings!
  • 1214

    Good thing #1

    Good thing #1
    He increased his control over Ireland and Wales, and built up his forces in northern England
  • 1215

    Good thing #2

    Good thing #2
    King John modernized the government and kept good records.
  • 1216


    King John does of dysentery.