Kenneth Craik

  • Birth and Childhood

    Kenneth Craik was born on March 29, 1914 in Edinburgh,Scotland.His dad was James Craik who was a solicitor and his mom was Marie Sylvia.Now when he was growing up Both of his parents were very active in his life.As the only child, He spent the majority of his life growing up on 13 Abercromby place in Edinburgh which was the second newest town ever built there.
  • College Experience

    He attended the University of Edinburgh where he studied philosophy. Then moved on to Cambridge University where he received his doctorate in 1940.
  • Fellowship and Dircetor

    he went to St.Johns college for his fellowship in 1941 were he worked with a woman named Magalen Vernon to help publish papers with her that talked about the dark adaptations that was happening from 1941 and 1943.As he was attending the school they gave him the opportunity to be the first director of the Medical Research council’s Cambridge-based Applied unit in 1944.Later on he became known as one of the first Cognitive philosophers in history
  • First Book Published

    In 1943 Kenneth Craik published his first book called”The Nature of Explanation”.In the book Craik talked about this concept called the mental models which is a idea that allows people to use their brain to remember events that happen to them in the past in order to help them predict the outcomes for future events.This method was something that Craik really studied and believed in.which made him one of the earliest practitioners of cognitive science.
  • End of Life

    On May 7, 1945 something terrible happened to Kenneth Craik.On that day he was riding his bike when out of nowhere a car had struck him.Now he was rushed to the hospital but he died the following day due to his injuries.