Keagan's Chin Lin Sou time line

  • Chin Lin Sou's birth

    Chin Lin Sou's birth
    He was born on Sep 29th 1836 in Doun Goon, China.
  • Period: to

    Chin Lin Sou's life

  • Chin Lin Sou coming to the U.S

    Chin Lin Sou coming to the U.S
    Chin heard stories of work in the American West and in 1859, he boarded a ship for the United States to find a job building the transcontinental railroad. He was 22.At over six feet tall with grey/blue eyes, Chin stood out. He was also fluent in Chinese and English. This allowed him to become an overseer and recruit more workers to finish the railroads tracks through California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado.
  • Work on railroad finished

    Work on railroad finished
    On May 10, 1869, the Pacific track met with the Union track at Promontory Point,
  • Chin Lin Sou gold mine worker

    Chin Lin Sou gold mine worker
    Chin moved to Black Hawk, Colorado in 1871. He was one of the first Chinese immigrants in Colorado. Chin became a supervisor in a mine. Miners toiled all day and rarely found gold. As a supervisor, however, Chin earned good money. With the money he earned, he was finally able to bring his wife to Colorado. They had been apart for ten years! He became very rich when he discovered two profitable mines and sold them. Google did not tell me the day.
  • Riot agenst Chinese

    Riot agenst Chinese
    Chin and his family eventually moved to Denver. During this time, Chinese workers faced discrimination. Many Euro-Americans thought that the Chinese were stealing American jobs. Anti-Chinese violence erupted in many cities, including Denver. Using his fluent English, Chin tried to find jobs for fellow Chinese but it was difficult.
  • What if?

    What if Chin lin sou was not fluent in English? The Chinese in colorado would face discrimination because he used his English to help his people face less discrimination. Most Chinese would not be in colorado because they problbly be back in China, and the population would change a lot.
  • Death of Chin Lin Sou

    Death of Chin Lin Sou
    I do not know the day but this is when Chin Lin Sou died.