Karl popper

Karl Popper

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    Karl Popper

    Karl Popper was an Austrian-born philosopher who held a position at the London School of Economics for most of his career. He was a well diverse individual who also made contributions in epistemology, philosophy of mind and social and political philosophy. Popper drew a clear distinction when it came to his contribution to the philosophy of science by relying on his classical inductivist views on the scientific method favoring imperial falsification. In 1934 was when the falsification principle-
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    Karl Popper

    was introduced to the world when he published his book, "Logik Der Forschung." It was later then translated in 1959 in English by himself and two other translators. He proposed an argument stating that scientific theories are distinguished from non-scientific theories and pseudo-science. Popper explained how science disconfirms, while on the other hand, pseudoscience confirms. He elaborated this by stating that it is fairly simple to find conformation of a hypothesis/theory if you are looking ->
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    Karl Popper

    for it. But his falsification principle states that you should try to disprove it by falsifying it. To understand this, he gave us an example that consists of all swans being white. He then explained how you can easily falsify this example by observing a black swan. Overall, Karl Popper was a well respected philosopher who to this day still plays an important role in philosophy of science. YouTube