100 B.C. On this day Gaius Julius Caesar was born to a father that only had some political success and to a mother who came from a plebian stock. His family was a Patrician family on his father's side.
This was a significant event because his family was one of the founder's of Rome. His family received special privileges and offices as a result.
"Gaius Julius Caesar 207-209" -
Julian Calendar
46 B.C.This day the Julian calendar is introduced. The calendar had 365.25 days which introduced the leap year (which occurred every 4 years). This was created by adding ten more days to the regular Roman calendar. When they created the calendar February 24th was the leap day because it was the last day of the year.
This is significant because this would change everything they knew about the time and dates on their old calendar.
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Ptomely 1 Library
47 B.C. On this the Library of Ptolemy 1 in Alexandria was destroyed by a fire. This fire started when their boats were attacked and set on fire. The fire spread from the boat and burned a lot of buildings down. They believed that 40,000 scrolls from the library were destroyed.
This is significant because this was a major library in Egypt and now it was destroyed by the fire. This is significant because this was a major library in Egypt and now it was destroyed by the fire
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49 B.C. This year Caesar got the power to become a dictator. From now until he died he was a Roman dictator.
This is significant because this event showed that Caesar had a lot of power as ruler in Rome.
(Bunson 67) -
49 B.C. In January of the year 49 B.C the Absentians passed a decree. This decree told Caesar to give up all his land and his power and go back to Rome. This is significant because this was the only country that basically kicked out Caesar.
"Gaius Julius Caesar" -
Julian forum
The Julian forum was a big open market that was in Rome. It was built by using the spoils that they got in the Gallic war. In the middle of the forum there was a large temple dedicated to Venus the Progenitor. The dedication was made because the Julian family was descended from Venus.
This was a significant event because these forums were a very big part of Rome. Many major shops, stores, and buildings were built around these forums.
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Daughter's Death
54 B.C. This was a very sad event when Caesar's daughter died. This also caused many tensions between Pompey and Caesar.
This event is significant because It caused many changes in Caesar's life like his alliances with people and also with his own family.
(Grant 31) and "Gaius Julius Caesar" -
Raid on Britian
55 B.C. Caesar raided Britian in an attempt to expand his Empire. On this raid he took two Roman legions with him. One of his groups was attacked when he went away. When he arrived with relief they were barely hanging on. Then Caesar brutally attacked and ending up killing a lot of people and burning down cities. The British begged Caesar to stop and asked to establish peace.
This is significant because this was a major battle for Caesar
(Cotrell 45) and Caesars first raid on Britian 55 B.C -
Elected Praetor
62 B.C. On this day Caesar was elected praetor in Spain. He had a successful campaign against tribes in Lusitania.
This is significant because he would become better in politics because he worked in other countries. This would help him become a better leader. -
Florence founded
62 B.C. On this day the city on Florence Italy was founded. The city was founded by the Romans.
This was significant because it would become a major city in Italy.
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Chief Priest
63 B.C. this year in time Julius Caesar became the chief priest of his church. He became chief priest after he came back from Syria. He created many things with the Jews, so he was liked among the Jewish people.
This is significant because it shows that he was not just a ruler but he also he had some backround in religion too.
(Grant 35) and " Julius Caesar" -
Pontifex Maximus
63 B.C. Caesar was elected to be pontifex maximus in 63 B.C. this was his first electoral success of his career.
This is significant because this would be the start of his political career and electoral success.
"Gaius Julius Caesar" -
Caesars wife
83 B.C. Caesar married Cornelia, the daughter of Cinna. When Sulla the dictator at the time found out he ordered Caesar to divorice her. Caesar ended up fleeing. He did not return until 78 B.C. when Sulla had died.
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Nature Healing in Rome
90 B.C. Asclepiades, a Greek physician practices healing with nature in Rome. He was a very famous doctor who could heal people in lots of ways, for example with fresh air and exercise.
This is significant because it helped him heal people and create new and helpful medicines -
Chinese Ships
100 B.C. On this day the first Chinese ships have reached the coast of India. The Chinese have now learned how to navigate the seas and ended up in India.
This is significant because it is important for a civilzation to know how to navigate the seas.
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March 15, 44 B.C..On this day Julius Caesar had murdered by his enemies. He stabbed to death by a group of enemies one being his friend Brutus.(Cottell 45)
This significant because this would end the rule of Julius Caesar as an emperor. His death would also start a 13 year civil war. "Gaius Julius Caesar 207-209"