Captura de pantalla 2018 11 08 a la(s) 9.10.52 p. m.

--Julian's Biography by KT--

  • Childhood

    Julian was born in a small village of Antioquia called La Ceja in 1994. He still lives there with his parents. His father is a civil officer and his mother is a house wife. He loves to live with his parents.
  • Adolescence

    When Julian was younger He liked to explore La Ceja and to visit different places. He says that He loves to travel.
  • University

    Julian has been described as a curious man. This year he stared to study software engineering. He was admitted in La Universidad de Antioquia.
  • Awards

    In 2015 Julian won a price of software deveplopment. His work team was the beast team at the city.
  • Achieved goals

    Achieved goals
    He studyed Software Engineering in La Universidad de Antioquia, He graduated in 2017 and now He works there as an assitant laboratory.
  • Nowadays

    Julian is workig and studying english, because one of his dream is to visite Europe and he needs to improve his speaking skills. He is making a big effort to fulfill his dreams so I'm sure He will do it.