John Dewey (1859-1952)

  • Teaching Career

    After Professor John Dewey graduated his first job was in Oil City, Pennsylvania. He obtained this job from his cousin who was then the principal of the school. After his cousin left the school he then shortly left as well.
  • Teaching Career

    Upon receiving his doctorate degree John Dewey was hired at Michigan University as an assistant professor. At the University of Michigan,he started to do most of his writings which were very important part of his life.Him and his wife also started their own experimental primary school at the University of Chicago later on in their career
  • Writing

    This is a book by John Dewy that was published in 1916. “Democracy and Education “ In this book Dewey criticized the educational philosophers Rousseau and Plato. He wanted to have his reader understand his way about educational reforms since his ideas were very seldom adopted in the American public schools.
    Dewey,John.Democracy and Education.USA:Macmillan,1916.Print.
  • Education Reforms

    Along with other colleagues Dewey cofounded The New School for Social Research. The New School is a experimental school that allowed the sharing of intellectual ideas in the arts and social sciences.
  • Writing

    Then later on in his career he was still making other books such as “The Public and it’s problem” This is Dewey’s first major political philosophy writing. In this book he seeks to explain state and public constitutes and how they are created. Along with their weaknesses and strength.
    Dewey,John.The Public and It’s Problem.New York: Holts Publisher,1927.Print
  • Writing

    Another very important and interesting book was “Art as Experience”
  • John Dewey

    Professor John Dewey had a very interesting life. He was very determined for educational reforms and he worked hard towards it. He had many different jobs at many universities. Some of his jobs included professor, assistant professor, director and the head of the Philosophy department. He is admirable because he was so motivated to get what he think was necessary and right done. Today we have many of his books to read and enlighten ourselves. His legacy lived on!