John Dalton

  • His birth

    His birth
    He was born in september six,1776.
    John Dalton was born in a humble family,because Joseph(his father),was a weaver and Jonathan(his grandfather),was shoemarker.
    Dalton was the youngest of their three children to survive to adulthood.
  • What did he do at only 12 years old?

    What did he do at only 12 years old?
    John Dalton at just only 12 years old he contributed to financially to the family.
    Thanks to his skills that he learned in the quaker school,he was able to teach other children,first from her hause and then in the quaker temple.
  • The first post of John Dalton

    The first post of John Dalton
    His first publication was meteorological observations in 1793 when he arrived in Manchester.
    But the publication don't get much attention from others scholars,but in 1802 John Dalton published his second work"Elements of English Grammar"
  • Discribed color bindness

    Discribed color bindness
    John Dalton discribed the color blindness for the first time in the world.
    Something related to color blindness happened to him when he went to meet King William IV and wore scarlet(red)academic dress,an unusual color for a man of this discretion.
    Dalthon saw the dress in dark grey,because the color blindness.
  • The first atomic model

    The first atomic model
    The first model atomic proposed by John Dalton.
    The atomic model of John Dalton is consists:m
    atter is made up of atoms which are indivisible particles,olso he believed that the atoms of two or more elements could chemically join together and form compounds,and finally the matter is neither created nor destroyed,it only transforms.
  • The death of John Dalton

    The death of John Dalton
    The deadth of John Dalton:
    He dead in Manchester,John Dalton died of a heart attack on july 27,1844,but he left as one of the greatest references in science.