Jeremy Barbosa

  • Came out to mom

    This is the right year but not necessarily the right day or month Jeremy came out to his mom as a lesbian when he was still a woman. “She was a bit upset. She said she was worried that I was gay and she didn’t exactly want me to be but she eventually came around.”
  • Came out to dad

    This is the right year but not necessarily the right day or month A month after Jeremy came out to his mom, he came out to his dad as a lesbian when he was still a woman. “He made a comment about how he’s known since I was five years old because I had mentioned to him how I wanted to be his son and how I’d help him do things like handy things and I’d tell him that he had to call me as his son.”
  • Contacted Klinic

    This is the right month and year but not necessarily the right day Jeremy contacted Klinic Community Health Centre because he wanted to talk about the possibility of seeing a psyhologist. There was a six month waiting list.
  • Came out to doctor as trans

    Jeremy came out to his doctor as trans sometime in March/April. He said he felt like his doctor was trying to convince him not to transition. His doctor would make him look at himself in the mirror. Jeremy's doctor would ask, "What do you see?" His doctor would add "I see a pretty girl."
  • Came out to sisters as transgender

    This is the right month and year but not necessarily the right day Jeremy came out to one of his two sisters as transgender without planning it. He received a call from his gynecologist and after his sister asked what the call was about. “I got all teary and was like, I have to tell you something and she pretty much knew already what I was going to tell her.”
  • Started seeing a different doctor

    Jeremy switched to a friend's family doctor. Jeremy said he feels like he got hormones too easily beacuse the doctor just looked into his family history.
  • Came out to parents and older sister as trans

    Jeremy came out to this parents and older sister as trans on Pride weekend. He left them a letter then slept at a friend's house. His mom didn't bring it up unitl a day or two later. “There was a lot of tears for me and my mom, although mostly me. It was just overwhelming I guess because I had kept this secret for so long and now I was finally telling them.”
  • Legally changed name

    This isn't the exact day
    Jeremy legally changed his name. He said it was an easy process. He just had to hand in his birth certificate.
  • First testosterone injection

    This date is the only 100 per cent accurate date
  • Intake appointment at Klinic

    -They collected basic information
  • One month of testosterone

    Jeremy noticed that his voice changed one month after his first testosterone injection when he was ordering a drink at Starbucks.
  • Two months of testosterone

    Jeremy's face changed—it has become more masculine. He's had more acne and his face is greasier, he's been getting facial hair in the moustache and chin area, his shoulders are wider, his appetitte has increased, his leg hair has gotten thicker, and his periods have stopped.
  • Saw a doctor at Klinic

    Jeremy discussed with a doctor at Klinic Community Health Centre what he wants through Klinic, including top surgery, potentially a hysterectomy, and potentially bottom surgery.
  • Waiting for appointment with psychologist

    This is what's next for Jeremy.