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Jean-Baptiste Lully.

  • Birth.

    Jean-Baptiste Lully borns in Florencia, Italy, in this date.
  • He traveled to France and he learned to played the violin.

    When he had 13 years old, he traveled to France because he draw attention to the ´´Chevalier de Guise``. At the same age, he learned to played the violin. Then he revealed as a excellent dancer.
  • Luis XIV and Lully.

    In 1652, Lully entered to the service of Luis XIV as dancer and violinist. More late, he directed one of the real orchestra.
  • ``Ballet de la Nuit´´

    In 1653, Lully danced with the king in the `` Ballet de la Nuit´´.
  • -1666. Works when he was composer of dance and violinist.

    -Ballet Royal d'Alcidiane, 1658
    -Les Amours Déguisés, 1664
    -La Naissance de Vénus, 1665
    -Les Muses, 1666
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    In 1662, Lully was named music director of the royal family. He excel as dancer, composer and musical director. In this year, Lully was married with the daughter of Michele Lambert, Madeleine Lambert and they had six sons.(in general)
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    In 1664, Lully worked with Molière, and they created a new gender: comedy ballet
  • -1670. The ``Comédies ballets´´ thath Lully maked with Moliere.

    Le Mariage forcé, 1664
    L'Amour Médecin, 1665
    Georges Dandin, 1668
    M. de Pourceaugnac, 1669
    El burgués gentilhombre, 1670
  • This image is when he was began musical director.

  • Changes in the opera and in the ballet.

    Lully maked changes in the french opera and in the ballet. In the french opera left the secco recitative and he replaced by a recitative accompanied of bass continuous.
  • In 1673, Lully created the french opera, with his work, `` Cadmus et Hermione´´.

  • -1687. In the last stage of his life composed 13 works.

    Cadmus et Hermione, 1673
    Alceste, 1674
    Thésée, 1675
    Atys, 1676
    Isis, 1677
    Psyché, 1678
    Bellérophon, 1679
    Proserpine, 1680
    Persée, 1682
    Phaëton, 1683
    Amadis, 1684
    Roland, 1685
    Armide, 1686
    Achille et Polyxène, 1687.
  • Isis. One work of Jean Baptiste Lully.

  • Lully was converted in the secretary of the king.

  • Jean-Baptiste Lully - Dies irae.

  • Death.

    He died in Paris, in this date. He died because was make a wound in the feet, with his singlestick of music director.