
Jean Babtiste Lamarck-The Foundations of Biology

  • Jean lamark is born

    Jean lamark is born
    He was born in France on this day and started a new era of his own in science. In the town of Bazentine, Picardie.
  • Begginning studies of his life

    Begginning studies of his life
    He was interested in botany, especially after his visits to the Jardin du Roi, and he became a student under Bernard de Jussieu, a notable French naturalist. Under Jussieu, Lamarck spent ten years studying French flora.
  • Flore Francaise

    Flore Francaise
    After the war was in peace he began in the field of sceince and medical as he made his book on plants in France, Flore Francaise. This book included enourmous amount of info. on plants.
  • His first job of science

    His first job of science
    Buffon's successor at the position of Intendant of the Royal Garden, Charles-Claude Flahaut, created a position for Lamarck, with a yearly salary of 1,000 francs, as the keeper of the herbarium of the Royal Garden.
  • Museum use his book of plants

    Museum use his book of plants
    After working underpaid hours in a local lab a national musuem accepts his book on plants. Its observed and studied by 12 different scientists and then was appionted a professor on insects.
  • His wives

    His wives
    In 1797, his second wife Charlotte died, and he married Julie Mallet the following year; she died in 1819
  • Beggining of evolution thinking

    Beggining of evolution thinking
    On the influence of the moon on the Earth's atmosphere. Lamarck believed species were unchanging, however, after working on the molluscs of the Paris Basin, he was convinced that change in the nature of a species occurred over time.
  • Lecture at museum about evolution

    Lecture at museum about evolution
    He set out to develop an explanation, He presented a lecture at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in which he first outlined his newly developing ideas about evolution.
  • The insects class

    The insects class
    He published Système des Animaux sans Vertebres, a major work on the classification of invertebrates. In the work, he introduced definitions of natural groups among invertebrates. He categorized echinoderms, arachnids, crustaceans and annelids, which he separated from the old taxon for worms known as Vermes. Lamarck was the first to separate arachnids from insects in classification, and he moved crustaceans into a separate class from insects.
  • Hydrogeologie

    In 1802 Lamarck published Hydrogéologie, and became one of the first to use the term biology in its modern sense. In Hydrogéologie, He argued that global currents tended to flow from east to west, and continents eroded on their eastern borders, with the material carried across to be deposited on the western borders. Thus, the Earth's continents marched steadily westward around the globe.
  • Recherches sur l'Organisation des Corps Vivants

    Recherches sur l'Organisation des Corps Vivants
    That year, he also published Recherches sur l'Organisation des Corps Vivants, in which he drew out his theory on evolution. He believed that all life was organized in a vertical chain, with gradation between the lowest forms and the highest forms of life, thus demonstrating a path to progressive developments in nature.
  • Jean Lamarck dies

    Jean Lamarck dies
    On this day he dies though making many contributions to science and after 5 years someone steals body and no one know where it is.