A new baby arrives
Jaekub, a beautiful 8lb 3oz baby was born to a healthy, young mother. Unforunatly, the mother put Jaekub up for adoption. My partner and I, after a few years of waiting, received a call from the adoption agency letting up know we have been selected to receive this bundle of joy. My partner and I quicly gather ourselves and procede to the hospital to greet him for the first time. As we get there, he is as beautiful as ever we could imagine. We instantly bond with him. -
Day 2
Jaekub needed to stay at the hospital for a few days. Upon receiving information how the birth went, he needs to stay in the incubator for week or so. The nurses have informed us that he was born with an apagar score (page 100) of 5. He was pink but his arms and legs were blue. The nurses tell us that he will be fine. Babies are resilent little creatures. After a few days, Jaekub is released to us in perfect health. -
The first month
The first month has been a rough transition. Jaekub has been a fussy baby. As new parents, there has been a large learning curve. We have taken our newborn to the pediatrician and she has informed us that Jaekub is a colicy baby(page 118). She has given and shown us several tips to relieve colic. Some of these tips were crazy sounding, but they worked. The best tip was taking Jaekub for a midnight ride in the car. The vibration helps settle him back down so he can sleep. -
5 Months
Jaekub just returned from his 5 month checkup. He weighs 28lbs!!! He's a chubby baby. The physician has assured us that he is as healthy as he could be. Overall, Jaedub has calmed down from his collic. The physician has warned us that teething is coming soon. Get the teething rings ready. -
Jaekub's first tooth!
Looks out. Here comes Jaekubs first tooth. Our pediatrician has informed us that teething is the time babies become more fussy as their teeth are braking through their gums (page 130). This has turned our little, humble baby into a viscious biting monster. -
A chance meeting
On a visit to the peditricians office, we ran into one of the nurses who assisted in the delivery of Jaekub. She told us all about the delievery and care afterwards. She kept on mentioning that Jaekub was always the first one to start crying. Then all the other babies would start crying as well. She told us that was a phenomon called emotional contagion(page 161). She told us to watch out for that one. He will be getting into trouble as he gets older. -
We've got a crawler
Jaekub has started crawling. His gross motor function is improving(page 141). He is right on track. His pediatrician tell us that gross motor development in infants progresses quickly and that gorss motor skills are abilities including balance and posture as well ans whole-body movements such as crawling. Soon, fine motor skills will be developing. -
A year gone by...
Jaekub has been progressing well. His pediatrician is happy with his growth. However, my partner and I were starting to think Jaekub was behind the curve. He hasn't said his first word yet. The pediatrician has said everything is fine. He is right on track and just wait. His first word is coming. -
A year old
Break out the baloons, it's Jaekubs first birthday. As we were preapring the party, Jaekub said his first word. "Dah-Dah." After the inital suprise and excitement, my partner and I started arguing as to who he was referring to. As a few weeks pass, we noticed Jaekub using holophrases(page 194). He kept saying 'cup.' He would say it when he looked at an empty cup, or said it when he was handing it to us. Cup...Cup..Cup. -
Strange Situation
After the test, our pediatrician told us that Jaekub has a secure attachement to my partner. When Jaekub was put in a room and my partner left, he began to cry. Upon his return, Jaekub calmed down and happpily greeted him by smiling and reaching to be held. -
Too attached vs not attached enough
Jaekub is 18months old. It's evedent that he is attached more to my partner than I. My partner is his primary attachment figure(page 207). Any time I try to take him somewhere myself, or when my partner hands Jaekub to me, poor Jaekub suffers from bad seperation anexiety(page 208). Our pediatrician tells us that this is common anexiety of toddlers. She recommended we preform the 'Strange Situation' test as designed by Mary Ainsworth(page 208-209)