israel timeline

  • 4004 BCE


    when god made the earth with his bare hands.
    then he made Adam and eve and told them to be
    fruit full and multiply. Adam and eve sin and
    curse the earth.
  • 2349 BCE

    The flood

    the earth was so evil god could not stand it.
    so he told Noah to build an ark so he did and
    it toke 50 years.then two of every animal went
    the ark then god flood the earth.
  • 2166 BCE

    Abraham is born

    Abraham is born in Ur but he worshiped the same god
    as every one else.but god chose to revel himself to
    Abraham.then he believed in the one true god then
    god said his descendants would become a great
    nation.this is called the Abrahamic covenant
  • 1728 BCE

    Joseph sold in to slavery

    on time there a storm in Canaan so god told joseph to
    go Egypt. then he interpret pharaohs dream. then he
    predicted the famine and made him the second in
    comand. then they where sold in to slavery.
  • 1446 BCE

    Moses and the exodus

    he was born a slave but the pharaohs daughter
    found him in a basket on the Nile .and the he saw
    a Egytian beating a Hebrew he recated by killing him.then
    he fled to midan then god told him to go and free the
  • 1445 BCE

    The ten comandments

    at mount Sinai god gave Israel his law through mose.
    this law is known as the mosaic law. god commanded
    his people to obey the ten most
    ancient civilizations the king made the laws.
  • 1406 BCE

    Setting in Canaan

    God Ied the Israelites from Sinai to the edge of the land
    of Canaan. along the way the people complained
    about gods care to them .they lacked faith forgetting

    about what god had done.
  • 1011 BCE


    Because Saul disobeyed God God chose david
    to replace saul. under king david the philistine armies
    where defeated. david also captured the canaanite city
    of Jerusalem and made it their capital.during his reign
    the nation of Israel doubled in size.
  • 931 BCE

    Solomans builds a temple

    soloman began worshiping false gods even though
    he worshiped the one true God.he began building
    a temple to worship these false gods.this did not settle
    very good with the kingdom.
  • 931 BCE

    Kingdom divided

    at soloman death in 922 the twelve tribes of Israel asked
    solomans son if he would rule more gently he said no.
    this caused the twelve tribes of Israel to to lower
    Israel and upper Israel .
  • 722 BCE

    The assyrian conquest of Israel

    assyrian swept out of the north captured the
    northern kingdom of Israel.and look the ten tribes into
    captivity. from then it became lost to history.
  • 709 BCE

    Sennacherib vs Hezekiah

    sennacherib made a treatey with Hezekiah but it was fake
    so he put his armie in jersulm then he conquered Israel.
  • 586 BCE

    The Babyionian conquest of Judah

    king Nebuchadnezzer of Babyionian Enpire conquered judah he destroyed jerusalem inculding a temple.
    he also took tens of thousands of people.away to exile
    in babyion this is know as the babyionian captivity
  • 586 BCE

    The exile

    the assyrians relocated the wealthy and importtant
    people.from the northern tribes Israel to east assyira.
    these Israelite were assimilated into assyira culture.
    the assyrians moved people from other conquered
  • 538 BCE


    he live in babylon with a bunch of other Israelites.
    thought they faced pressure to confirm to babylon
    society.and give up the ways of his people.he stood
    strong in his faith and god blessed him with wisdom.
  • 538 BCE

    Cyrus great the

    cyrus the great conquered babylon.cyrus the great allowed
    the jews to return to judea the former south kingdom
    of judea.some jews returned but many stayed because
    they had allready built at house in babylon.