Jan 1, 711
Christian Chief comes to Musa
Julian comes to Musa with a plea for help against the tyrannical Visigoth ruler of Spain. Musa responded by sending the young general Tariq bin Ziyad with an army of 7000 troops. The Muslim army defeated the Visigoth army easily, and Roderick was killed in battle. After the first victory, the Muslims conquered most of Spain and Portugal with little difficulty, and in fact with little opposition. By 720 Spain was largely under Muslim (or Moorish, as it was called) control. -
Jan 1, 756
Cordoba capital
First great Muslim dynasty to rule the empire. Which was a large merchant family of the Quraysh tribe centered at Mecca. Transformed the community of faithful into a secular Arab state, where religion took second place. This time period was characterised by trade and culture. -
Jan 1, 756
Became Emir of Córdoba. He brought Christian Kingdoms of he north under control by force and through diplomacy. His dealth led to the rise of his 46-year-old-son. -
Period: Jan 1, 756 to Jan 1, 1492
Spanish Umayyad
This period is described as the "golden age" of religious and ethnic tolerance and interfaith. -
Jan 1, 1031
Golden age of three faiths flourishes
Major advances in philosophy, theology, medicine, astronomy, and mathematics. This also had it's down fall in literature, poetry, and architecture flourished. -
Period: Jan 1, 1031 to Jan 1, 1492
Reconquest by Christians
The kingdom of Granada falls to the Christian forces of King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella I, and the Moors lose their last foothold in Spain. Located at the confluence of the Darro and Genil rivers in southern Spain, the city of Granada was a Moorish fortress that rose to prominence during the reign of Sultan Almoravid in the 11th century -
Jan 1, 1238
Spanish muslims forced south
In 1238, the Christian Reconquest forced Spanish Muslims south, and the kingdom of Granada was established as the last refuge of the Moorish civilization. Granada flourished culturally and economically for the next 200 years. -
Jan 2, 1492
Surrender to Spanish forces
On January 2, 1492, King Boabdil surrendered Granada to the Spanish forces -
Jan 1, 1502
in 1502 the Spanish crown ordered all Muslims forcibly converted to Christianity. -
al-Hakam II came to rise
Due to the death of his father Abd-ar-Rahman, al-Hakam II came to rise for the Empire. He continured to deal with disruptive Christian Kings humanely. -
al-Hakam II death