Nov 8, 610
Gabriel speaks to Mhuammad
Mhuammad had spoken to Gabriel near mecca while he was meditating. The Angel Gabriel had told him that God was calling him to be the messager of his voice. He accepted the call by the help of his wife Khadija, which was the first person to covert. Then he began to spreading Islam. -
Nov 11, 622
Muhammad's Hijra
Muhammad's Hijra was a journey were he lerft Mecca to go to Yathrib. Later on, He went to Yathrib to spread his faith and welcomed everyone. -
Jun 8, 632
Muhammad's Death
Muhammad had died unexpectedly without naming a succor. -
Nov 11, 632
Sunni and Shia Split
Sunnis and Shia separation is present today. This happened because religion practices and laws. They both believed in the same God, and used the Quran for guidance, and they also both followed the 5 pillars of Islam. Conflict other took them. Still violence in the Middle East today. -
Period: Nov 11, 632 to Nov 11, 661
Abu-Bakr Rule
Muhammad's successors was Abu-Bakr. Abu-Bakr was Muhammad's father-in-law and later named successor but the Sunnis did not agree with that. The Shia had agreed. Ali was the leader if the Shia group and he was named successor because a group believed that Muhammad designated for his son-in-law had the same blood of Muhammad himself. After Ali died a new Umayyad dynasty arose. -
Period: Nov 11, 661 to Nov 11, 750
Umayyad Dynasty
The Umayyad dynasty was done after Ali's death were the Sunnis took over They planned to kill Ali then take over and build a new empire. Their rule expanded the spread of Islam and to the Muslim Civilization. The Umayyad Dynasty ruled for about 90 years. -
Period: Oct 11, 770 to Oct 11, 1258
Rise of Abbisids
The Abbasids rose in the year 750 for the Umayyad dynasty, by making unity with many groups. This included the Shia, who liked the fact that the Abbasids, unlike the Umayyad. And the sunset which they also like Abbasid ideas. -
Nov 11, 1095
First Crusade
The Turks went to Asia from the middle east. Turk ruled Baghdad, he pushed into the Asia Minor wee he was a greater threat to the Byzantine Empire. The byzantine empire, like other empires, had a weak military and started to fall. The first Crusade was caused by the prevention of Christians to travel to Jerusalem. They did not tolerate Christians and also did not want expand their region. -
Period: Nov 11, 1258 to Nov 11, 1492
Abbasids Move the Capital of Islamic Empire
Abbasid Kilafah was the only surviving member of the Umayyad Dynasty. When he left it he had fled to Spain and established a capital. He made sure learning grew and expanded even more to create the capital even lager then it was. -
House Of Wisdom
The way things started to change was because of The House of Wisdom. It is a library and university in Baghdad. Many different professors would come and share ideas, cultures, and translations. The house of wisdom held great works of the classical world and translated them into Arabic. This included the Qur’an. -
Fall of the Abbasids
The dynasty lasted 500 years. Long before the Abbasid Caliphate was officially destroyed, it had ceased to have real power. There were many causes of the fall, but probably the main one was a failure to find a good solution to the difficult problem of holding together a very large empire, it soon became weak lie the other empires.