Nov 11, 622
Muhammad Hijra
The only way for Muhammed and his followers to survive was to leave Meca. They left to another city called Medina were they could practice their religion freely. -
Nov 11, 622
Gabriel speaks to Muhammad
The angel Gabriel came to Muhammad one day and explained to him that he was a prophet. Also, that day the basis of the Quran was started. -
Nov 11, 632
Muhammads Death
Muhammad didnt die by anyone killing him. He dided unexpected so because of this he never named a successor. Since Muhammad didnt have a successor there was a great comflict which dived the Islam people into two. -
Nov 11, 632
Split of Sunni and Shi'a
The Sunni and the Shi'a both agreed on fundmentals of Islam and the Holy Book Quran. But they both disagree with how the leader/successor should be picked after Muhammads death. -
Nov 11, 640
Abu-Bakr was chosen as the first Caliph. He was a close friend of Muhammad and was a political-social leader. But another group thought Ali, Muhammad son-in-law, should be the first Caliph. -
Nov 11, 656
Ali was finally chosen as the fourth Caliph after Uthman, the third Caliph, was murdered. Once he had power he moved the capital from Median to Kufa in Iraq. In 661 a new sect called the Kharijites killed Ali while he was praying. -
Period: Nov 8, 661 to Nov 8, 750
Umayyad Dynasty
The Umayyad was the first dynasty to control Islam empire. Mu' awiya started the dynasty by naming his son, Yazid, his succesor. -
Period: Nov 8, 750 to Nov 8, 1492
Muslim Spain
Abd al-Rahman was lone survivor of the Umayyad dynasty. He made a capital in the city of Cordoba. -
Period: Nov 8, 750 to Nov 8, 1258
Abbasid Empire
Persian-Arab colition from Khorarsan. They were knows as Abbasids in 750.They had a Golden Age between 9th and 10th centuries. But it all changed once the Mongols invaded. This was the end of the Golden Age. -
Nov 11, 751
House of Wisdom
The Muslims learned about paper from the Chinese and the Muslims spread paper to Europe. Then, in Baghdad they built a center of study Beyt alHikma. -
Nov 8, 755
city Cordoban
Abd al-Rahman mustered up support of Umayyad governor and general still in region. -
Nov 11, 762
Abbasid moves the capital of Islam
In 750 the Abbasid took power over the Muslim land. In 762 the Abbasid moved the capital to Baghdad. -
Nov 11, 1096
First Crusade
The pope called the first crusade. Christian knights seized and held Jerusalem until 1187.