Islamic Golden Age Timeline

By hlake
  • 750

    Abbasids take rule from Umayyds

  • 754

    The House of Wisdom was built

    Exact time unknown
  • 764

    Baghdad was built

    The capital was moved here under Abbasids rule.
  • 780

    Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi was born

    Persian Muslim Mathematician
  • 786

    Harun al-Rahid began his rule

    During his rule, Baghdad thrived as a center of knowledge, culture and trade.
  • 830

    Khwarizmi wrote The Compendious on Calculation by Completion

    Foundation of Algebra.
  • 965

    Ibn al-Haythm was born

    An Arab Muslim Astronomer and Mathematician.
  • 980

    Avicenna was born

    A Persian Muslim Physician Philosopher.
  • 1021

    Ibn al-Haythm finished writing Optics

    Considered his most influential work.
  • 1025

    Avicenna wrote Canon of Medicine

    An encyclopedia that was used fro hundreds of years as curriculum for medical students.