Islamic empire expansion with Christian relation

By Syoung
  • 615

    The Persian Empire was captured Jerusalem

    The Persian Empire was captured Jerusalem which was retaken by the Byzantine Romans in 628.
  • 622

    Muslims looked for guidance

  • 632

    Abu Bakr, Sunni Muslims highly guided caliphs

  • 632

    Death of Muhammad

  • 634

    Umar ruling, Muslims captured Jerusalem

    Umar shows great respect for Jews and Christians. Islam spread into Syria, Persia and North Africa.
  • 637

    Palestine and Iraq came under Islamic rule

  • 641

    Syria came under Islamic Rule

  • 644

    Uthman ruling caused increased wealth in Medina and Arabia

  • 650

    Iran under Islamic Empire rule

  • 656

    Ali ruling

    656- 661= Ali ruling. Moved the capital of Islam to Kufa
  • 656

    Battle of the Camel

    Ali leading the battle having over 10,000 men. Ali was victorious in the end.
  • 661

    Damascus was made the capital.

    Administrators of Damascus were Christians who knew Greek. Damascus -1st place of the encounter between Islam and Greek. During this time Christians we're mostly Greek with a question to their new Masters through a process of talking this such dialogue contributed to the development of Islamic religious thought. Some Muslim scholars began to question the Christians on the precise belief of their religion. Encounters of scholars- two faiths helping another redefine respective doctrines
  • 685

    reign of Caliph Abd al- Malkin ibn Marwarn

    685-705 during the reign of Caliph Abd al- Malkin ibn Marwarn The Dome of the rock was built on the temple Mount under Christian rule. The Dome of the rock was decorated by Christian Craftsman.
  • 712

    Parts of North Africa came under Islamic Rule

  • 714

    People of the book were allowed to practice their religion freely

    Pg 62 Hewer The first rapid expansion of the Islamic empire often has given rise to misconceptions that Islam spread at the point of the sword. There was an expansion but not a conversion of the faith of Islam at this time. Freedom of religion was allowed by people of the books such as Jews Christians or Zoroastrians. Centuries passed before the majority of the people of Arab lands became Muslim. Particularly in Egypt Coptic Christians remained the larger group religion.
  • 750

    John Damascus

    a Greek trained administrator also A theologian grew up in Damascus under the Islamic empire following his father into administration. John Damascus was the first Christian theology and to attempt to write theologically about Islam with regard to Christian heresy. The first theology was constructed in Damascus for Islam. Muslim scholars began to question the Christians on precisely what they believed.
  • 756

    The Golden age

    The Golden age of Islamic Spain was reckoned. New Capital was established at Cordoba.
  • 775

    Caliph al Mansur established Baghdad as part of the Islamic Empire

    Caliph al Mansur established Baghdad as part of the Islamic Empire, where it remained until the attack by the Mongols in 1258. Many of those who came to Baghdad were Christians and Jews who sat with Muslims that spoke Arabic to ensure that the work was as accurate as possible. A language of scholarship being Arabic, manuscripts were translated. When the manuscript was translated it was able to be copied and sent out around the Islamic empire for different scholars to use.
  • 786

    the Great Mosque of Cordoba began

  • 886

    Abu Ma’shar took great strides in the increase of astronomy and astrology.

    He influenced many lands that were translated into Latin at Toledo by his work. Islamic Spain's power of the people rested in the Muslim government, ruled by principles of Islamic law. Majority of people remained Christian with Jews as being a minority. considered the Golden age due to the highly accessible education and new scholarly wisdom. Jewish, Muslim , and Christian scholars all worked together to bring about great development. Arabic was the main language of the scholarship.
  • 909

    development in Islamic art and architecture

    909 to 1171 In Cairo in the development in Islamic art and architecture was formed
  • 978

    the great mosque and the University of al- Azhar was founded.

  • 1156

    Abbots of Cluny- Peter the Venerable

    Peter, an Archbishop of Toledo that was interested in scientific thought. Specifically, in Toledo Jewish, Christian, an Muslim scholars who knew Arabic worked with Christians that knew Latin to translate copies of the ancient wisdom to make available for distribution. This was the first time the Qur’an was translated into a European language. Peter himself wrote of Islamic teachings. At this time there was a level of academic theology meeting in Spain but also abrahamic faiths meeting together.
  • 1168

    al- Azhar was the center of the Sunni learning and remains the single most great center.

  • 1198

    Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd worked in Arabic

    one of the 3 men that worked together to unite Christian, Jewish and Muslim.
  • 1204

    Moses Maimonides, Jewish theologian

    worked in Spain in Arabic and Hebrew. One of the 3 men that worked together to unite Christianity, Jewish and Muslim to later translate dialogue.
  • 1274

    Thomas Aquinas

    Thomas Aquinas was the greatest Christian theosophical theologian working in Latin. Worked together with 2 others to translate dialogue.
  • 1492

    The decline of Christian nobility end

    forced conversations of Spanish Jewish and Muslims to Christianity. Most people remained either Jewish or Muslim but outwardly accepted baptism preferable to exploitation or death.
  • 1542

    - St. John of the Cross

    • St. John of the Cross. Mystical tradition influence on Spanish Christian
  • The great expulsion

    Many Muslims and Jews were forced to leave Spain. They began to settle throughout North Africa around the eastern Mediterranean in Muslim lands.