Islamic Empire

  • 570

    The Birth of Muhammad(saw)

    Our prophet was born in the tribe of Quraysh. He was the grandson of the leader of the tribe and regions around it. He did not have a father when he was born so he resided with his mother
  • 622

    Migration To Medina

    Muhammad (saw) and his companions migrated to Medina in the hope of being free of persecution.He had also been invited by him to solve any disputes between the clans
  • 629

    Conquering Makkah

    Muhammad(saw) conquered his city in 629. He went with 10,000 soldiers and set off to Makkah. The Quraysh (after losing 12 men) gave up and handed Muhammad (saw) the city. Despite what they did to him he still forgave them
  • 632

    Muhammad (saw) death

    In the year 632 our prophet passed away several days after feeling ill. After his passing many people left his state and Islam. After our great prophet passed away a new leader was chosen. The leader was none other than his best friend Abu Bakr
  • Period: 661 to 750

    A New Caliph

    After our prophets cousins death the Ummayad family became the new leaders. They were not bad leaders and they helped the islamic Empire prosper. They took over almost all of North Africa and made it all the way to Spain. The only thing that stopped them was the French army
  • 732

    A Defeat

    In the Battle of tours the Umayyads attacked the French in hopes of expanding their lands.The Umayyads lost the was their leader at the time and the French leader was Charles Martel.This battle stopped the islamic empire from growing in the hands of the Umayyad Caliphate.
  • Period: 750 to 1258


    The Islamic empire prospered. The people discovered many things like physics and about the earth. Even if spending years on a thing might be very risky they still did it. An example of this is when the muslims spent years translating greek mythology even if it was heavy on things that simply weren't true
  • 970

    A New University

    The University of Azhar was the centre of Islamic and Arabic education. It was made in 970 and officially became a University in the year 988. It was one of the first universities to be built and the university is still standing to this day.
  • 1025

    A Medical Change

    1. In this year Ibn Sina completed his book. But this was no ordinary book. This was a quite modern book even for today. It included many practices that we still use today. Like surgery, physiological practices and principles and this book also tells us about anatomy procedures. He is known as Avicenna in Europe and is regarded as the best and most important Islamic philosopher. He is also thought to be the most influential writer in the pre-modern era.
  • 1099

    Capture of a City

    In 1099 the christians took over Jerusalem. This became their first crusade. It was launched by the pope Urban II. A that time the Muslim had ruled those lands for over 450 years. Jerusalem became the capital of the christian latin until the muslims took it back in 1189.