
By ian1218
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    Start of Islam

    Start of Islam
    During Roman times, The region was inhabited primarily by the Bedouin Arabs, nomadic peoples who came originally from the nortern part of the pennisula. The sheikh ruled the tribe with the comment of the council. Each tribe was autonomous but felt a good sense of allegiance to the larger unity of all the clans in the region
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    Start of Islam part 2

    Start of Islam part 2
    The arabs of pre-Islamic times were polytheistic, with a supreme god known as Allah. Spirits were belived to inhabit natural objects.Spirits were belived to inhabit natural objects. Each tribe possesed its own stone, but by the time of Muhammad, a massive black meteorite, housed in a central shrine called the Ka'aba in the commercial city of Mecca.
  • Period: 570 to Apr 1, 632

    Life of muhammad

  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad journey

    Muhammad journey
    Muhammad had a revelation at a hill near Mecca. There he saw the angel Gabriel who had commanded him to preach the revelatipns he had been give. Out of his revelations came the Qu'ran, the holy scriptures of Islam. The Qur'an contained guidelines by which followers of Allah, known as Muslims, were to live.
  • Jan 1, 622

    Continued Journey

    Continued Journey
    In 622, Muhammad decides to take his closest supporters and flee to Medina. This marks the first date on the official calender of Islam. Later he returned to Mecca with a considerable military force, Muhammad conquered Mecca and converted the Townspeople of the new faith. He died when Islam was beginning to throughout the penninsula. His succesors were called caliphs
  • Jan 1, 631

    Abu Bak'r

    Abu Bak'r
    Shortly after Muhammads death a number of his followers selecteed Abu Bakr as caliph or succesor. Under Abu Bak'r they used the Arabic tribal custom to the raid in the struggle against his enemies.The Qur'an called this jihad. In 636 the Muslims defeat the Byzantine empire. Later in 637 the conquered the Sassinanian Empire.
  • Jan 1, 634

    Rest of Caliphs

    Rest of Caliphs
    After the death of Abu Bakr, the office was passed to Umar. In 656, Umar's succesor, Uthman, was assassinated, and Ali was named caliph. Ali's enemies were convinced he was involved in the death of his predeccesor so there was a factional battle. Ali was assassinated, and Mu'awaiya, the governor of Syria and also a rival of Ali was named caliph. He also made the caiphate hereditary in his own family, called the Umyadds, who were a branch of the Qurishi clan.
  • Jan 1, 750

    End of the Uammyads

    End of the Uammyads
    In 750 a revolt led by Abu al-abbas, a descendent of Muhammads uncle, led to the overthrow of the Ummayyads and the establishment of the Abbasid dynasty (750-1258) in what is now Iraq.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Abassid Dynasty

    Abassid Dynasty
    In the Abbasid dynasty all muslims were allowed to hold both civil and military offices. Many Arabs began to intermarry between the people they have once conquered. In 762 They made the capital city at Baghdad on the Tigris River. The important caliphs were Harun al Rashid, who brought the golden age of Islam and his son al Ma'num, who found the first asrtonomical observatory and made a foundation to study greek words. Later they faced the Seljuk Turks.
  • Jan 1, 1055


    The sejuk Turks were a nomadic people from central Asia. In 1055, a Turkisk Leader captured Baghdad and assumed command of the empire with the title of sultan (holder of power). The Turks were reviewed as barbarians who destroyed civilizations and oppresed populations.
  • Jan 1, 1096

    Turks 2

    Just before the end of the eleventh century, Alexius l needed assistance from other states in Europe to protect his empire against the Seljuk Turks. Beginnig in 1096 a series of Christian incursians known as the Crusades.
  • Apr 3, 1099


    In 1099, the First Crusade succeded in capturing Jerusalem after a long siege. The Seljuk Turks were occupied by wars father east to be concerned. Under the leadership of Saladin brought an end to the Fatimid dynasty. He succeded in gaining his control over both Egypt and Syria, thereby confronting the Christian states in the area with united Muslim power on two fronts.
  • Jan 1, 1187


    In 1187, Saladin's army invadedthe kingdom of Jerusalem and destroyed the Christian forces concentrated there. Further battles reduced Christian occupation in the area. Saladin did not allow a massacre of the civilian popultaion and even tolerated the continuation of Christian religious services in conquered territories.
  • Apr 4, 1258

    End of an empire

    End of an empire
    The Mongols were a pastoral people that who swept out of the Gobi dessert. Beggining with the advances of Ghangis Khan in northern China later spread across Central Asia, and in 1258, under the leadership of Hulegu, brother of the more famous Khubilai Khan, they seized Persia and Mesopotamia, bringing an end to Baghdad.
  • Works Cited

    Duiker, William J., and Jackson J. Spielvogel. The Essential World History. Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.