Muhammad is born
Jan 1, 610
Gabriel visits Muhammad
According to the Muslims he was visited by the angel Gabriel and told to call his people to the worship of God. -
Jan 1, 622
Muslims Migrate to Yathrib
After enduring persecution in Mecca, Muhammad and his followers go to Yathrib where the people accepted Islam. -
Jan 1, 630
Muhammad returns to Mecca
With many followers in tow he peacefully reenters Mecca and eventually the people of Mecca accept Islam. Muhammad clears the Kaaba out of all idols and images so the people will focus on God only. -
Jan 1, 633
Muhammad dies
After a prolonged illness Muhammad succumbs to the illness and dies. -
Jan 1, 638
Muslims enter Sham
The area in north Arabia that is now Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq. -
Jan 1, 641
Muslims enter Egypt and rout Byzantine army.
Jan 1, 655
Islam begins to spread to North Africa
Jan 1, 711
Muslims spread into Spain and India.
Jan 1, 732
Muslims are defeated in France
At Potiers in France by Charles Martel -
Jan 1, 750
Abbasids take over rule from the Umayyads
This shifts the power into Baghdad. -
Jan 1, 1000
Islam is continuing to spread throughout Africa.
It makes it to Nigeria which serves as a trading liaison between north and south Africa. -
Jan 1, 1099
European crusaders take back Jerusalem
Muslims had ruled it and eventually took control of Jerusalem back. -
Jan 1, 1120
Islam spreads further into Asia
Muslim slaves
Approximately 30% of slaves sold to America are Muslims.