Isaac is Born
Sarah and Abraham never thought that they would have a son. The Lord told Abraham that Sarah would have a son. At first they didn't believe him, but they still had faith in Jesus. Then, Abraham was born. Abraham and Sarah were both in their old age when they had Isaac. -
Period: 200 to 400
Abraham offers Isaac as a Sacrifice
God was testing Abraham's faith. God told Abraham to give back his son to him. Even though Abraham didn't want to do it, he had great faith in God. Sarah and him had waited all their lives to have a son and now God wants them to give him back. When Abraham was readyto sacrifice his son, God told him not to lay a hand on the boy, and he knows that he fears God. -
Sarah Dies
Sarah lived to be 127 years old. Abraham and Isaac loved Sarah very much. It only took Rebekah to comfort Isaac after his mother's death. -
Isaac and Rebekah get Married
Abraham was very old, and he told his servant to go back to his homeland to find Isaac a wife. He wanted him to find a good God fearing woman for his son. His servent went to the city of Nahor, and he asked for God to give him a sign. He wanted God to tell him who was the right woman and God did. Rebekah said yes to coming back with the servent. When they came back to Canan, Isaac and Rebekah fell in love and they got married. -
Esau and Jacob are Born
Jacob and Esau are twins. Esau likes to hunt, and Jacob liked to stay at home. Isaac's favorite son was Esau, and Rebekah's favorite son was Jacob. Isaac was 60 years old when Jacob and Esau were born. -
Jacob decieves Esau
Jacob thougth that he should get his brother's birthrights. So, his mother and him devised a plan to get Isaac to give Jacob the blessing. One day, Esau was so hungry, that he gave away his birthrights for a bowl of soup. Isaac was old now and he couldn't see very well. He told Esau to go make him a meal and then he will give him his blessing. Rebekah had heard this and told Jacob to do the same thing, and she covered Jacob in fur to make him appear like Esau. Isaac gave "Esau" his blessing. -
Jacob's Dream
On Jacob's way to Haran, he came to a place and slepted for the night. He had a dream that there was a ladder going up to heaven, and God's angels were ascending and descending it. God then made the same covenant with Jacob, as he did with Abraham. -
Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel
Jacob went to his mother's brother's land, and he stayed with them. He told Laban that he would work for him for seven years, and then Rachel would be his wife. After the seven years Laban ended up giving Leah to Jacob, and he said that the first born should marry first. Jacob ended up marrying Rachel, after seven more years. God blessed him with a wife. -
Jacob's Children
Leah could have children, but Rachel couldn't. Leah bared 4 sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah. Then she coudln't have anymore children. The same thing that happened to Abraham and Sarah happened to Rachel, she told Jacob to go into her servant, so that she can get children from her. Her servant had two sons, Dan and Naphtali. Leah couldn't bare anymore children so Jacob went into Leah's servant, and she had one child, Asher. -
Jacob's Children (Continued)
Leah laid with Jacob for mandrakes, and she concieved a son. She named him Zebulun. Then she had a daughter and she named her Dinah. God then remembered Rachel and she bared a son named Joseph. -
Jacob Flees Back to His Homeland
The Lord told Jacob to go back to his homeland. The Lord was with Jacob every step of the way. Jacob ans his family was fleeing because Laban was angry that he "taken" all of his spotted and stripped livestock, and everything that he had gained. They went to a place he called Mahanaim. There he sent a message to Esau. -
Jacob and Esau Meet
Esau was coming with 400 men behind him. Esau and Jacob ran to each other and they hugged and cried. Then all his children and wives came and bowed down to Esau. Jacob gave Esau a blessing. The Lord blessed Jacob with a lot of things. -
God Renames Jacob
God told Jacob to go to Bethel and build an altar to God. When he got there and built an altar, God said that his name should no longer be Jacob, bot Israel. Then God made the same coventant with Jacob, like he did Abraham. -
Rachel and Isaac Die
The coming from Bethel and Rachel went into labor, and it was very hard on her, but she had a son named Ben-oni. She died and was buried on their way to Ephrath. Jacob and his families came to Isaac in Mamre. Isaac died at 180 years old. Esau and Jacob buried him.