into the wild

  • he left for arizona

    because thats when he started his journey
  • navada

    he used the rest of his money and the car was dead and he berried his gun.
  • the canoe trip

    it was a rough ride and he only had 5lbs of rice left and thats when he was passing thru mexico
  • trying to go back to the US

    he got cougt trying to go back to the US and spent a night in jail and he goes back to his abandond car
  • alaska

    him and gaylord get to fairbanks
  • meeting people

    he meets franz
  • franz

    he sends a post card to Franz and burns from Seattle.
  • new place

    franz drops him off at the grand junction
  • leaving

    he leaves south dakota to go to alaska
  • bush

    he arrives in the bush
  • bush

    he is hurt and has no food and is trying to leave the bush but dosnt have the energy.
  • death

    he takes the picture and rights his note and dies