Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
He is known to be the first person to ever be able to capture a photograph. It was a view of a second-floor studio window which his family estate at Saint-Loup-de-Varennes, Le Gras. Made from a highly reflective pewter plate made from challenging viewing. -
Calotype type
Is also known as talbotype, which is a photographic technique invented by William Henry Fox Talbot. This technique is by taking a sheet of paper coated with silver chloride which has been exposed to light in a camera obscura (areas that are hit by light become a dark tone a negative image). Then the photo then had to be developed by gallic acid which accelerates the silver chloride's chemical reaction to the light that it has been exposed to. -
William Henry Fox Talbot
The Oriel Window, South Gallery, Lacock Abbey:
This photo of the diamond-paned oriel window of Talbot’s home is one of the earliest photographs to be known of. He took a piece of writing paper with salt and silver nitrate. Then placed it into a small wooden camera and let it expose for hours. -
Mexicans defeat Texas at the Alamo
The Texas Revolution following a 13-day siege. Mexican troops launched an assault on the Alamo Mission. -
Daguerreobase type
The first process to obtain a permanent image. You take the silver-plated copper plate, which is then buffed and polished until it like a mirror. Then the place is sensitized to light over iodine and bromine. The plate is then transferred in a lightproof holder in the camera where it is then exposed. When the plate is finally exposed it then developed over hot mercury which immersion into a solution of sodium thiosulfate and then washed with distilled water. Then toned with gold chloride. -
William Henry Fox Talbot
Talbot process of this photo was made of a piece of slight translucent seaweed which was laid directly on a sheet of photosensitized paper. This blocked the rays of the sun in the section that was covered and leaving a light impression of its form. -
John Herschel
Engraved Portrait of a Young Woman:
This picture was part of an experiment that Herschel’s was doing with vegetable dyes, iron salt (cyanotype). That is how he was able to make this picture a Prussian blue and white color. -
First Opium War ends, Europeans gain greater trade with China
China was forced between the Western counties. First Opium War was against China and Britain, the second was (Arrow War) where Chian was fought by Britain and France. -
J.T. Zealy
Took picture of a slave named Jack who is a key assumption to middle-class portraiture this was shown through physical appearance. His subjects were identified by their slave names/plantation on which they served, but never by their African American name. Zealy peruse of taking these photos is to convince the views of the truth of racial recognition/theory. -
New York Times founded
The American newspaper was based on New York City with the worldwide influence and readership. -
Wilhelm and Friedrich Langenheim
Seven Daguerreotypes Showing Eclipse of the Sun:
The Langenheim brothers took the first total eclipse of the sun visible in North America which was eight sequential photographs. Six daguerreotypists and one calotype tried to document the event and these were the only seven daguerreotypes to survive. The odd thing about these pictures is that they are like all uncorrected daguerreotypes, reversed laterally as in a mirror. -
Hugh Welch Diamond
Seated Woman with Bird:
Is a medical doctor and he took pictures of his mental patients, he believes that if they saw a picture of themselves they would understand their addictions better. In this picture, you can see that the bird is dead and the women are cradling it while surprised if only we could understand if she mourns the bird’s death. -
Gustave Le Gray
Brig on the Water:
He was able to resolve the problem with capturing both the ocean and the clouds by printing his seascapes from two negatives and exposing one that properly shows the shore and sea and the second from the sky. -
John Dillwyn Llewelyn
This is of a house that his own house where he and his wife are buried at. He used staled paper prints and albumen silver prints from paper and glass negatives. This picture holds a lot of meaning to him since it is of his home. -
American Civil War begins
Julia Margaret Cameron
Zoe, Maid of Athens:
Is a very intelligent and deeply spiritual woman who appreciates the complexities of life, poetry, art, and religion. She strove to express biblical and literary images that captured the emotions of innocence, wisdom, piety, and passion. This picture is her sister adopted daughter which you can feel the sense of breath and soul int his picture (albumen silver print from glass negative). -
Photographer Unknown
Communards in their Coffins:
This is a picture that was taken by someone who had to be a part of the French Revolution. The photographer captures an image of corpses slumped in their coffins. This photograph can mean that the dead Communards are to show supporters a symbol of tragedy and by their enemies as a symbol of triumph. -
Julia Margaret Cameron
Vivien and Merlin:
This photograph is of her husband posed as Tennyson’s Merlin (an old darling) which the magician whose purity was the wellspring of his powers and a girl who as playing the harlot Vivien(he enchants). This picture was able to bring out the beauty of poetry and brings a language of gesture to it. -
Reconstruction collapses in U.S.
The period where the Republican control ended at different times and different states. The military intervention in the Southern politics and the Republican control collapsed in that last three states in the South. -
Aimé Civiale
Mont Blanc from the Aiguille du Midi:
His is a man who likes to take pictures to show how humans might perceive the scene and the beauty of the image. This is a view of the Mont Blanc from the Aiguille du Midi and it’s gently covered in snow with a couple of rocky cliff walls visible. -
Robert Demachy
His take on photography was a little different from others. He is known to intensely manipulate his prints and display a distinct painterly quality to them. He used the gum bichromate process where he was able to add pigments and texture to his photos. In this photo, he made the image more unique. -
Einstein publishes theory of relativity
Einstein determined that the laws of physics are. Which is the same for all non-accelerating observers, and that the speed of light in a vacuum was independent of the motion of all observers. -
Hugo Henneberg
Villa Falconieri:
He was also one photographer who use the gum bichromate process but without messing with the image. This picture is of a house which has a fountain and trees. It captures a lot of visual art. -
William H. Martin
Taking our Geese to Market:
His way of working was taking photographs and adding some humor to them. He wants to displays a way to make an image to something different and make them a postcard for his business.