Meeting Ada
Inam was working on roofing a house when his eyes caught Ada Monroe. The two exchanged looks and finally Ada worked her way to Inman. Introducing each other Ada repeated "Inman, Inman, Inman." But why does she do this? To leave a mark within herself to remember the name or face? Inman remarks that "no matter how many times you repeat it, it won't make it any better." Ada and Inman continue to "pick off" of each other in meeting at the field, and again at church. -
Off to War
Inman and Ada are now a "thing" and when Inman is called to leave for war, Ada becomes nervous of neer seeing him again. THe thought scares her. The day the men deploy, Inman turns around one last time to look at Ada for moments. Inman himself is uneasy of leaving his home and love, Cold Mountain. Ada writes to him everyday and Inman would write back. But his feelings were shared with Cold Mountain. He did miss Ada but his feelings were with Cold Mountain. -
Last Wish
After a gruesome battle, a young soldier asks the musician to play him one last song. He requests a song that reminds him of Cold Mountian. Inman looks at the soldier and this starts his feelings of coming home to Ada and Cold Mountain. Does Inman want to fight anymore? "Inman." -
Meeting With Peanuts
Inman has been shot and has stayed in the hospital for some time. After he was released, Inman comes into contact with the blind peanut man who teaches him that he is happier never seeing at all than taking it away halfway through his life.
At this point in the war, Inman finds himself losing the spirit to fight and return to the only place he knows, Cold Mountain. -
Prayers and a Journey
Inman has no deserted the war. He refuses to turn back and fight for something he knows isn't gonig to end well. Along the way of his journey, Inman meets Pastor Solomon. Solomon has impregnanted an African American woman and refuses to fess up to what he has done. When Inman spots him, he reacts by tieing up Solomon to a post and posting a note on his head of what he has done. The two later come into contact again and Inman accpets him as his companion on this journey home. -
Chained To Death
Inman and Pastor Solomon have been captured by a Union (or Confederate) spy. After being captured, the men, along with other deserters, decide to escape the Confederate forces and make a scene. Running and making noises, Union forces spot the prisoners and begin to shoot. Inman and Pastor Solomon run when Solomon is shot, along with the other prisoners. Inman falls to the ground and is stuck with death. Inman realizes that this is the closest he has come to death on his way home. (CONTINUED)... -
I Have Everything I Need
While laying hopeless on the ground, a goat lady finds Inman and helps him to her home. When Inman recovers fully, he discusses why he is leaving. "I have everything I need" remarked the Goat lady. Inman has a moment that tells himself that Cold Mountain is the goat. Cold Mountain offers food, clothing, and comapinonship all in one and Inman just left it to be in a place where he doesn't belong. -
Inman reaches an old, lonely cottage on the outskirts of town, home to a young widow and her child. She allows Inman to stay in the corn room but in the middle of the night, she requests that Inman "Lays next to me and go no further." Inman lays next to her and has a sudden realization that maybe this is what Ada is going through every night...maybe every wife and human that has someone fighting or has died. Everyone has compassion, and so does everything. -
Coming Home
Inman has finally reached the edge of Cold Mountain. Looking at the scenery and himself, a reader and viewer can tell that he has gained gallons of wisdom, from knowing your home to knowing what all you really need in life.
He's returned to Cold Mountain, but did Inman also return for his love, Ada? -
Face Off (2)
When Inman finally lays down in the snow, he talks to Ada and begins to smile. "I came home." He says to her softly. Ada knows that he's home but to her that's not enough for her to feel sane again. Inman on the other hand, is filled with pure happiness that he is home to Cold Mountain, his heart and mind's true love. -
Side Note
What does Inman mean? Was Inman really ever the "In man" of war? Of his home? Cold mountain is tiny compared to other towns and colonies in the South. All Inman has ever known is Cold Mountain, why would he leave that? When Inman left for war he thought he would be included and involved. He realized that he has left all he has known behind. Inman never was the "In man." -
Face Off(1)
Inman has finally reached the inner Cold Mountain. Ada is only kilometers away. He slowly makes his way to home and when he finally does, he gets the rest and a clean shave nbeard. Ada and Inman "cuddle" all night and in the morning, trouble arrives.
The Homestead surrounds and fires upon Ruby, Ada, and Rubys' father. Only one escapes on horse and Inman tracks him down. In his final attempt to talk about everything, the two draw their guns and open fire. Birch is instantly killed while Inman... -
Sauces a.k.a. sources
http://judeisjudelaw.blogspot.com/2011/03/jude-la -