Conners llama farm


  • Period: to


  • Cornelius Vanderbilt

    Cornelius Vanderbilt
    He offered superior railway service at lower rates when he changed his career to railroading. He also gave $1 million to the founding of Vanderbilt University in Tennessee.
  • Marcus Alonzo Hanna

    Marcus Alonzo Hanna
    Prominent politician and was the United States Senator from Ohio during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth. He began to refine oil around 1867.
  • Oliver H. Kelley

    Oliver H. Kelley
    Oliver H, Kelley was the leading person of The National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandary, Kelley was a farmer that worked to enhance the lives of isolated farmers through trying to enhance social, educational, and fraternal activities.
  • W.E.B. DuBois

    W.E.B. DuBois
    Future leader of the NAACP, W.E.B. DuBois was born on February 23, 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachussetts.
  • Joseph Pulitzer

    Joseph Pulitzer
    Joseph Pulitzer, a Hungarian who emigrated to the United States in 1864. After the Civil War, Pulitzer moved to St. Louis and began working in journalism. During the course of the 1860s, Pulitzer became one of the top newspaper publishers in the United States. He also served in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1885.
  • Horatio Alger

    Horatio Alger
    American write in the 19th century who wrote about 135 novels, most of which were about young boys who went from Rags-to-Riches and achieved the American Dream. With the publication of his fourth novel, "Ragged Dick", on May 5, 1868, Alger got his place in literary history.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    He formed the Standard Oil Company, which controlled 95% of the oil refineries in the US. In 1911 the Supreme Court ordered it to break up into several dozen smaller companies.
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    In 1855, British naturalist Charles Darwin published his paper titled "The Origin of Species". This stirred up controversy in churches, because it promoted the idea of natural selection and evolution, which went against the ideas of the church's idea of creationsim. At first, Darwin's theories were thought of as wrong, but by 1875, many scientists of the time accepted Darwin's theories.
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Alexander Graham Bell
    He invented the telephone. The nation turned into a gigantic communications network built on his invention.
  • false creations of equality

    false creations of equality
    As Hayes took office he dropped the deal he presented in him Hayes-Tilden election. He and his fellow republican politicians slowly started and eventually abandoned the idea of racial equality.
  • Hayes elector dismantal

    Hayes elector dismantal
    Dismantled the oversea from the military to the south, as they were propping up reconstruction government. This helped keep away the uprising of all sorts of racism, such as the black codes and the civil rights Act of 1875 in order until such accessories are needed.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    He is best known for his perfection of the electri lightbulb. He also invented phonographs, telegraphs, kinetoscopes, and many more inventions that help the world.
  • Charles J. Guiteau for good jobs

    Charles J. Guiteau for good jobs
    Charles J. Guiteau shot and eventually killed predent Garfield for his reason of, bettering the people and giving people of the Conklingites, "good jobs." this show the act of a individual towards a person, the president, for the reasoning of economic and governmental failure.
  • Go Away china

    Go Away china
    In San Francisco, this Irish born man, Denis Kearney shows follower the way to violent abuse to the helpless Chinese in 1882. Revolutionizing this, it lead up to the Chinese Exclusion Act in. this prohibited almost all immigration from China. Immigration reads form china re-opened in 1943. Very first extreme policy on immigration.
  • Samuel Gompers

    Samuel Gompers
    He was elected president of the American Federation of Labor every year except one between 1886 to 1924. He promoted better wages, hours, and working conditions.
  • Grove Cleveland political Philosophy

    Grove Cleveland political Philosophy
    In 1887, Grover Cleveland vetoed a cill towards Texan farmers, in which it would provide seeds for the drought that raveged their farmland throughout Texas. He delcared that, "the government should not support the people."
  • Thomas B Reed

    Thomas B Reed
    Thomas B Reed was the Republican speaker of the house in 1889-91
    He suggested that one party should govern while the other party just watches.
  • Henry W. Grady

    Henry W. Grady
    Was the Atlanta Constitution editor, he urged the new south to start industrialization.
  • Charles Dana Gibson

    Charles Dana Gibson
    Created the Gibson girl who was suposed to be an idependent athletic new woman.She was every womans ideal and every mans dream.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    He had his own steel plants and produced one fourth of the nation's Bessemer steel. There was a strike in one of his plants in Pennsylvania that ended in an armed battle between the strikers and federal troops.
  • James B Weaver

    James B Weaver
    James B. Weaver was the populist party canditate for the election of 1892.
  • Thomas Edward Watson

    Thomas Edward Watson
    Thomas Edward Watson was the populist leader, who believed in interracial political cooperation. The Populist party began in 1892
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    The Strike was included in a nationwide wave of labor unrest in the summer of 1892, that helped the populist gain some support from industrial workers, ending up in a armed battle between the strikers, adn 300 armed "pinkerton" detectives hired by Carnegie held in Carnegies stell plant in Homestead, P.A.
  • Eugene V. Debs

    Eugene V. Debs
    Eugene V. Debs led the American Railway Union of 1894.
  • "General" Jacob S. Coxey

    "General" Jacob S. Coxey
    A wealthy Ohio quarry owner. Wanted to relieve unemployment through a pulic works program. He had a few score of supporters.
  • Booker T. Washington

    Booker T. Washington
    Born into slavery in 1856, Booker T. Washington became a leading figure in the civil rights movment during the 1800s. Washington became very well known after his Atlanta Compromise Speech in 1895 at the Cotton States Exposition. This speech made Washington more known in the area of black leadership and racial relations.