Indian Battle of Kalinga

  • 343 BCE

    Where it All Started

    Where it All Started
    Kalinga, India was first founded by the Nandas Dynasty for several years.
  • 261 BCE


    Kalinga became independent from Nandas right before the war began.
  • 260 BCE

    The Battle of Kalinga Began

    The war was fought in Kalinga, India, and it's the bloodiest war in history.
  • 260 BCE

    Kalinga was Pushed Back

    Kalinga was Pushed Back
    Ashoka quickly gained leverage over the state leaving not many events in between the beginning and defeat
  • 260 BCE

    The end is near,

    Many of Kalinga’s soldiers were dying and Ashoka was reaching closer and closer to victory.
  • 259 BCE

    The Battle of Kalinga Ended

    When it was all over, Ashoka looked around him to see no survivors as his chance to be a ruler was now over because there was no one left to be his slave.
  • 259 BCE


    The state of Kalinga was brutally defeated and no survivors were left. The men, children, women, and elders were slaughtered. Ashoka moved into the empty state claiming it.
  • 258 BCE


    Ashoka continued his battle to conquer more even after losing many of his men.
  • 254 BCE

    Oh No!

    Ashoka killed his father to become emperor and conquer lands far greater than his father could see.
  • 253 BCE


    Ashoka felt bad about his past, so he decided to be a better ruler. If his soldiers were abusing children he would execute them.
  • 252 BCE


    The people who found a new life in Kalinga under Ashoka’s rule started to Rebel.
  • 251 BCE

    Ashoka’s Payback

    Ashoka was upset about the rebellions and decided to fight against them to keep his name.
  • 246 BCE

    There's an end to that...

    There's an end to that...
    The rest of his life from then on believed Buddhism and nonviolent practices and never had another war or battle again.