Important Events to the Spread of Islam

  • 570

    Muhammad is born

    Muhammad was the founder and leader of Islam He was born into the Banu Hashim clan, a prominent Meccan clan.
  • 610

    Muhammad is visited by an angel

    While meditating, Muhammad is supposedly visited by an angel. This angel told him he is the prophet of God and told him to recite revelations. He did and this gave him followers.
  • 622

    Muhammad moves from Makkah to Medina with his followers

    Muhammad is forced to move to Medina after he hears of assassination plans against himself. This event allowed Muhammad to shape a new community with his beliefs.
  • 632

    Muhammad dies

    After successfully uniting many of the Arab tribes under the banner of Islam, Muhammad established the rituals of the Hajj during his “farewell pilgrimage” to the Ka’bah in Makkah. He became ill and died as his army prepared an expedition to Syria.
  • 633

    Muslim armies take fertile crescent, North African Coast, parts of Persian and Byzantine Empires

    Muslim culture spreads further as they take over the fertile crescent, North African Coast, parts of Persian and Byzantine Empires
  • 655

    Islam spreads throughout North Africa

    This is before the Umayyad role, and the end of the “righteous caliphs.”
  • 710

    Arab armies enter Spain

    Muslims and Indians enter Spain from opposite sides. This event is where they took over a lot of land.
  • 732

    Battle of Tours

    Prevents empitre from further advancing Northward. Defeated by Charles Martel. The Battle of Tours pitted European Christians against Muslims. The Muslimswere trying to advance on the Christians by way of the Iberian Peninsula. This is important because it preserved Christianity in a time when Muslims were conquering other places such as Rome and Persia.
  • 900

    West Africa begins to convert to Islam

    Now many people can convert other Africans to Islam increasing the population of the Islam religion.
  • 1120

    Islam Spreads through Asia

    The spread through Asia made the world has more knowledge about the religion. Islam became a world religion.