Han Cheng was born on November 2nd, 1873 in China. As a boy he grew up on a rice farm. But now that he's older and has a family, Han needs to support his family and in America he beleives he can do it more easily than back in China. America has more job oppertunities for Han. Most of the money he makes will go back to his family on the farm in China. -
A Pacific mail steamship company established a line from Hong Kong to San Francisco. These steam ships brought thousands of Chinese immigrants to the US includeing Hans. The conditions on the ships are a lot similar to the conditions on the ships headed to Ellis Island. For every family or in Han's case, every person would normally bring home one trunk full of belongings. Space seasickness was common, it was something Han struggled with on the voyage to San Francisco. -
Arriving on Angel Island
Once Han arrived on Angel Island, he was sent to the immigration center to be "inspected". At this station they were checked to see if anyone had any dangerous deseases that couldve been brought to America with them. Interregations could take a long time to complete. Some carved chinese poetry and other words into the wall while waiting and others like Han just waited. After completeing the interigation they would be allowed to go anywhere in America. Hans went to find employment in the mines. -
Work in the Mines
Working in the mines was a dangerous job with very little pay. It was hard to live when most of the money he made went back to support his family in China. Many people died in the mines from explosives. Breathing in the mines air caused lung damages aswell. Han had experience mineing back in China. After a month he found a small gold nugget and made a pretty good amount of money. -
Ending it
Han has been working in the mines for years now. He's has somewhat had good fortune. Even though he was mistreated along the way, he still managed to find fortune in America. He supported his family all through out the 2 years he's been here although he misses them dreadfully. On October 8th in 1927, Han Cheng was carrying Nitroglycerin into the mines and it exploded in his hands. Han Cheng was killed. His family wont find out for another 5 months.