Human Growth & Development: Milestones

  • The birth of Sawyer Hayes

    The birth of Sawyer Hayes
    Sawyer Hayes
    Weight: 7.5 Ibs
    Height: 19.5 Inches
    Sawyer is a handsome little boy. He can moves his arms and legs. (gross motor skills) He is making sound but is not words just yet.
  • Sawyer Hayes at 6 months old

    Sawyer Hayes at 6 months old
    Sawyer is 6 months old now and 3 months ago she was eating nothing but baby food. Here we are now eating thing that are a little bit more solid than baby food. One of his favorite thing to eat is a bananas.
  • Sawyer Hayes at 9 months old

    Sawyer Hayes at 9 months old
    Sawyer took his first step today. He started saying a few words recently. Just the other day he said "Mama". I was so proud for him I almost cried. The other day I decided to get a head start with Sawyer on his potty train him. It was quite the adventure bu at least he is learning.
  • Sawyer at one years old

    Sawyer at one years old
    I have been reading to Sawyer lately and he loves it when I change my voice to different characters in the book. His favorite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Sometimes I let Sawyer help me read the book because I want it to help with building skills. Sawyer has finally learned how to use the bathroom by himself.
  • Sawyer at two years old

    Sawyer at two years old
    Sawyer has made a friend with the neighbor's son. They love playing in the backyard and picking worms out of the ground and sticking in their pockets for me to find later. Before I let Sawyer go outside and play he has to clean his room. He feels so accomplished when he gets done.
  • Sawyer at 4 years old

    Sawyer at 4 years old
    I decided to put Sawyer in Pre-k, so that he can get a head start in school. At the beginning of this year he struggled with reading. when he got done with homework I would read him a book that was easy and as the days went by I would pick a harder book. He reads better than he did before.
  • Sawyer at 6 years old

    Sawyer at 6 years old
    Today Sawyer went to the cookie jar and got a cookie out of it before supper. I have told him before not to eat a cookie before then, so I confronted him about it and he said he did not do it. He lied to me but he knows right from wrong. (moral)
  • Sawyer at 10 years old

    Sawyer at 10 years old
    Sawyer is now classified as a tween which means he is about to become a teenager, but he is in the middle. He was so excited when I told him that. Sawyer is starting t look at himself differently because he is getting older, and he is getting so much taller. (physically and emotionally)
  • Sawyer at 13

    Sawyer at 13
    Sawyer is now a teenager. oh how the years pass by so quickly. Sawyer woke up one morning this passed week and told me that his legs and back hurt. I just shook it off and gave him some tylenol and he felt better. Well it was not just a regular back and leg pain. Today he work up three inches taller than me.(grow spurt) I think puberty is coming around the corner.
  • Sawyer at 16 years old

    Sawyer at 16 years old
    Sawyer is now a fully developed teenager. He now has a serious girl named Hazel. The have been together for about eight months now. Sawyer also has his licenses and I have feeling what he wants in a car is not cheap. I want Sawyer to have a vehicle that is reliable, and something that he is not embarrassed to drive. He also wants the same thing. (Emotional and Social Changes)