A Genius is Born
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm Germany. As A child, he wan't known as someone who was very smart, in fact, his teachers thought he was mentally challenged. -
Albert Einstein was born a Jewish boy, which would turn out to be a disadvantage later during WWII. -
He went into education by going into the Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich where he studied for his Doctorate. -
Albert Einstein received his Docor Degree in 1905 from Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich. -
A few years before World War 2 he left Germany and moved to America. Which was a good thing as the Nazi Party targeted Jews. -
WWII Begins
World War two had a lot of contributions made by Albert Einstein. His weapons, physics, and bomb additions made for a quicker and easier end for the American Side. -
Albert Einstein Became a citizen of the US during World War Two but resigned his post in 1945. -
He died in Princeton New Jersey afrter an aortiv sneurysm: a burt artery. -
After Death
After he died a pathologist cut him opened and examined him. It is a very famous story as he "stole" his brain. -
He received a Franklin Medal of the Franklin Institute in 1935 ebcause his contributions to science and physics.