

  • Stanley get's Arrested initial incident

    Stanley stole Clyde Livingston's shoes so he went to court and he has been given two choices he can go to jail or go to Camp Green Lake it isa place with only boys. Where you have to dig holes all day.
  • The Golden Tube was found Rising Action

    Stanley was digging his when he realized something poking out he pick it up it was very dusty, it looked like a lid for a lipstick tube. They are told when they find something tyo give it to the warden but X-ray told Stanley that he has been here for a long time and he derserve to get a day of so he told Stanley if he found something to give it to him so Stanley passes it on to him and he shows Mr.sir and Mr.sir give it to the Warden and then she asks them all to dig were X-rays hole was.
  • Describing The Warden Rising Action

    As they are digging a cab comes by and stops the doors opens and a tall women with red hair steps out of the passenger side. She wore a black cowboy hat and black cowboy boots with which were studded with turquoise stones, her sleeves were rolled up and her arms were filled with freckels and so was her face.
  • Digging in Partners Rising Action

    After X-ray tells her that he found it in his hole she make all the boys dig in that place with a partner to make them dig faster. She thinks that she thinks what she looking for is getting closer but Stanley doesn't tell her were he found it that means she is looking in the wrong spot.
  • Stanley Teaches Zero how to Read and Write Rising Action

    Since evereyone at Camp Green Lake thinks that Zero is stupid Stanley had a thought he asked Zero that maybe he could teach him how to read and write after he is done digging his hole, Zero agrees with him but then Stanley get's an idea in his head what if he doesn't have the energy to teach him. So they made another deal that Zero could dig half of Stanley's hole and then he would have enough energy to teach him.
  • Continues

    Almost strangled Zigzag. The Warden ask a few questions and then Zigzag said that they get annoyed when they are working and Stanley just sits there doing nothing. Since the Warden doesn't know what Stanley does she asks a few questions to clear her misunderstanding. Then the warden say everyone digs there own holes, and Zero get's mad and says I am not going to dig another hole. Mr.Pendanski laughs and hands him the shovel he swings it and hits mr pendanski in the face he falls down Zero runs
  • The Teasing Climax

    After all the boys at Camp Green Lake hear about what Stanley and Zero are doing and then Zigzag starts to tease them by saying hey you want a cookie come on take the cookie.Stanley pushes him away and Zigazg says don't push me. Then Zigzag pushes Stanley again and he sees Mr.Pendanski filling Zero's canteen and he pushes Stanley again and says don't push me even when he pushed Stanley himself. Then X-ray and Magnet join Zigzag. When Mr.Pendanski comes he says I know what you gise are doing go
  • The Teasing Continues

    ahead push him your bigger teach the bully a lesson. Then ZigZag says ya teach me a lesson and Stanley shows him his fist and then Zigzag grabs him and sits on top of him his face was squished on the ground.Then suddenly Zigzag got off of Stanley and when he looks up he sees Zero's arm around Zigzag's neck. Mr.pendanski tries to stop them but they don't listen. So he shoot the pistol in the air.Everyone comes even the warden she ask what's going on Mr.Pendanski tells them that Zero
  • The seven Holes

    After Zero leaves the warden tells the booys that she still expects seven Holes no one digs the seven hole so Stanley has to dig it.
    The warden tells Mr.Sir to all of Zero's records because she thinks he will never come back.
  • The New Kid

    After a few days a new kids arrives his name is Brian but everyone calls him Twitch since he twitches alot he came to Camp Green Lake because he was trying to steal a car by hot wiring it. He teaches tanley how to hot wire a car too.
  • Stanley Runsaway Climax

    Mr.Sir arrives to fill up the boys bottles. Stanley gets an idea that maybe he could find he sits in Mr.Sir trucks and he tries to runaway and he cant do then Twitch yells out tellling him what to do Stanley does it but he isdriving to fast so he ran into a hole and all the water fell out. Stanley camre out of the Truck he saw a a rattle snake and starts running after a while jhe looks ack the rattle snake is not there. As he iswalking his empty bottle is hitting him in the chest.He walk for a
  • Stanley Runs Away Continues

    Big Thumb but he was to weak to so Stanley encouaged him That there is a icecream sinae at the top.
  • Stanley Runs away Continues

    Bit and notices a Boat flipped over he wonders for a bit why a boat would be on a dry place he sees something underneath the boat heslowly movesforward and lifts the boats he sees Zero. He get so surprised Zero sees the water bottle around Stanleys neck and ask him if there was any water in there but sadly thier wasn't. Stanley asks Zero what that was in the bottle it was Peach juice then Staley takes a sip he likes. The boys sit their for a while, then Stanley asked Zero if he wanted to go
  • Climbing Big Thumb

    After awhile Stanley and Zero stop they lay down to rest and then Stanley notices onions on the ground he shows Zero They start eating them since they hd no choice they wondered how it got there. (It was from Sam's onion farm). When the boys started walking Zero couldn't take its so Stanley had to carry him up the mountain after a while Zero Starts Barfing so they have to stop, the place that they were at they found water they both decide to go back to the Camp but they fill up there bottles.
  • Climbing big thumb continues

    To fill up thier bottles and grab a few onons and head back.
    Before when Stanley was carrying zero up the mountain was the samething as when Elya Yelnats took the pig up the mountain but when Elya Yelnats carried the pig up the mountain was when they got the curse and when Stanley carried Zero up the mountain thats when there curse was tooken off.
  • Going down Big Thumb

    When Stanley and Zero were going down the mountain they both had this game thing were the other had to take a Sip of water before the other does. So they both were forcing each other to take a sip. After a while they made a deal that they oth take a sip.
    When they were down all the way they waited for everyone to leave from digging there holes. So to be afe they were hiding in a hole.
  • The Hole Continues Resolution

    Because rattlesnakes don't like onions and Stanley ate onions.Then Mr.Sir shoots his guns in the air and Mr. Pendanski and the Wardenm appear and some people in a car come out and Stand around the hole even the Camper'ssin group D appear. The lady tells Stanley that you are coming with me when Stanley is coming out of the hole he sees a box it was a suit case with Stanley Yelnats of his Great Great Great Grandfather. The Warden sees it and says it was mine the lady says it says Stanley
  • The hole resolution, Falling Action

    Stanley and Zero are hiding in the holes when everyone leaves Zero pulls himself up with the shovel then Is trying to take Stanley out by hitting the shovel in the ground But the shovel goes in to deep and something with eleven spots on it start popping out of the hole at that moment a light flashes it Mr.Sir he tells them that Stanley you were free to go someone came to get you but you were not here. The rattlesnakes starts to come towards Stanley and then Moves back in the sand. That was
  • The Holes Continues Resolution

    Yelnats so it must be his and then the lady tells Stanely lets go but Stanley does not move he says he is not gong to leave with out Zero then the lady ask the Warden to go get his b=files but she didn't have any so she faked it and told Mr.Sir to go get it he comes back empty handed and tells her the files have been miss placed. So they take Zero with thmwe.
    When Stanley gets home he opens the suit case there is so much cash the Yelnats buy a house and live in it happily no curse anymore