

By nuke765
  • Truth

    The strangers are asking the Warden what is happening here. The warden fakes hugging the boys to try and get the treasure which is a suitcase. Then Zero notices that the suitcase has Stanley's name on it.
  • Beginging/ Exposition.

    Stanley Yelnats is being sent to Camp Green Lake because he stole Cilve Livingston's shoes. He had a choice between Camp Green Lake or Prison. This is the Exposition because we are being introduced to Stanley, the Main Character.
  • Camp Green Lake

    Stanley arrives at the lake and meets Mr. Sir and Mr. Pendanski. He is showed to his cot and he meets his campers who are Zero, Armpit, Magnet, Squid, Zigzag and X-ray. He then starts to dig his first hole.
  • Alternate Story

    Stanleys grandfather, Elya, is trying to win over his love. He goes to Madame Zeroni and asks her to help him. She gives him a pig and tells him to feed it every day at the top of the hill. When he does it for a week he goes to Myra's House to ask her to marry him. Myra doesn't know who to pick and Elya ends up leaving her and moving to the United States. When he gets there he meets Sarah Miller and then they get married.
  • Digging

    Stanley notices that Zero is the first to finish digging his hole. Later they have a discussion about what they want to be when they leave here. Magnet says he loves animals. Stanley suggests he could be an animal trainer. when they ask Zero what he likes, he says he likes to dig holes.
  • KB/ Inital Incident

    When Stanley is digging a gold tube with the initials KB. X-ray comes up to his and asks whenever he finds somthing he should give it to him since he had been here longer than him. Stanley agrees to the deal and he gives the tube to X-ray. This is the Inital incident because the gold tube is found which starts the events of the story.
  • The Warden

    The next day X-ray shows Mr. Pendanski the tube. Then he goes to the wardens office and shows her it. Then the warden comes out of her office and tells everybody to expand X-rays hole to look for more things that could be there.
  • Nickname

    Stanley comes into the wreck room to relax when he hears the name Caveman. Wondering what it means he decides to write a letter to his mother about the camp. Then Zero stands behind him looking at the paper. They thety are called for dinner and he realizes that he is Caveman.
  • Accident/ Rising Action

    When expanding X-rays hole, Zigzag hits Stanley in the back of the head with his shovel. This is the Rising Action of the story. This is the rising action because the accident starts the events leading up to the Climax
  • Reading

    Stanley is writing another letter to his mother when Zero is watching him again. when stanley asks why he does this, he says he doesn't know how. Stanley agrees to teaching Zero how to read.
  • Sunflower Seeds

    The next day Magnet manages to steal Mr Sir's sunflower seeds. When he passes him to Stanley the fall out of the bag and into the hole.
  • Warden's Shack

    Stanley is taken to the Wardens shack by Mr. Sir. When he arrives the Warden asks Stanley what happend. When Mr. Sir talks to the Warden. She scratches him with her Rattlesnake Venom Nail Polish and Mr. Sir falls to the ground screaming. The warden tells stanley to leave and go back to his hole.
  • Appreaciation

    When Stanley gets back they ask what happend. Stanley tells them that he took the blame for the seeds. When he goes back to his hole he notices that it is dug for hin. When everyone says they didn't do it, he notices that Zero had done it.
  • Teaching

    Stanley starts to teach Zero about the alphabet and writing letters. He also notices that KB on the gold tube might stand for Kate Barlow, The outlaw
  • Alternate Story 2

    Kate Barlow is a woman who made spiced peaches and teached at the schoolhouse. There was a doctor and a man named sam who made onions and onion tonics and sold them on the back of his donkey Mary Lou. Kate asks Sam to fix the schoolhouses room for some peaches. Pretty soon he ends up fixing the whole schoolhouse. Then they fall in love but someone sees them kissing. The townsfolk burned down the schoolhouse and Sam and Kate try to cross the lake. Trout Walker crashes his boat and kills Sam.
  • Revenge

    When Stanley gets in line for water, Mr Sir takes his cantain and brings it into the water truck and does somthing to it. When he gives it back to Stanley, he is hesitant to drink. He ends up dumping it out on the sand even though he had no water that day.
  • Zero's Name

    Stanley goes to teach zero how to write his name. Zero decides to tell Stanley that his real name is Hector Zeroni.
  • Treasure

    When Kate returns to the town 20 years later, she is greeted by Trout Walker and his wife looking for the treasure she had hit. When they go out to the dry lake Kate is attacked and bit by a Yellow Spotted Lizard and dies, not telling them where the treasure is.
  • God's Thumb

    Stanley remebers when his great grandfather was stranded in the desert and somehow survived on God's Thumb.
  • Escape

    Fight's break out between the kids because Stanley is not digging his hole. Then Mr Pendanski asks Zero what he has been learning. When he gets a word wrong Mr Pendanski laughs at him and calls him stupid. He gives him a shovel and Zero smacks Mr. Pemdanski and runs off.
  • Escape 2/ Climax

    Stanley decides to go look for Zero. When the water truck came he had snuck around back and drove off in the water truck. But he ended up driving in into a hole. He then starts to run off into the desert. This is the Climax of the story because Stanley decides to go look for zero.
  • Finding Zero

    After Stanley searches for a long time he finds a upside down boat named the "Mary Lou" He then finds zero underneath the boat. He then finds "Sploosh" and drinks it. Then they head to the big thumb.
  • Big Thumb

    Stanley and Zero start to climb up the Big Thumb. Zero collapses and stanley has to carry him up a part of the mountain. Then Zero wakes up and helps Stanley climb up a part of the mountain. Then they reach the top of the mountain.
  • Water

    Stanley finds weeds climbing up the mountain. He then finds mud and starts digging. Then underneath the ground he finds water and he and Zero start drinking it.
  • Confessions

    Zero tells Stanley that he took his shoes. When Stanley asks what this means he says that he took Clive Livingstons shoes and that he is the reason they are both here.
  • Memories

    Zero remembers when he was not homeless. He says he lived in a yellow room. Then he remembers living on the street.
  • Down the Mountain

    Stanley and Zero decide to head down the mountain with jars of water in their sack. Stanley grabs a weed but then it gives out and he almost falls down the mountain. Then they could see the "Mary Lou" in the distance. Then they decide to head towards it. Then after zero notices that he waited at Laney Park for his mom who left him.
  • Found The Camp

    After a while Zero hears somthing off in the distance. Then Stanley hears Mr. Sir talking. Then then hid in their holes and snuck into camp. Then then went to the hole with the gold tube and waited till the camp had fallen asleep.
  • Treasure/ Falling Action

    Stanley and Zero start digging in the hole that the found the gold tube. As he was digging he hits a hard object. Then they dig out the object and pull it out. Then the Warden appears behind them and thanks them for their work. This is the Falling Action because this is the lead of events to the resolution.
  • Lizards

    After Mr. Pendanski and Mr. Sir shine their flashlights on them, a bunch of yellow spotted lizards appear. Then the Councellors and the warden wait above the hole for Stanley and Zero to die from the lizards. This is the Falling action of the story.
  • Strangers

    The lizards dont seem to care about Stanley and Zero because they weren't hungry. Then Stanley tries to get out of the hole when he hears the sound of approaching cars.
  • Questions

    The peop;e are Stanley's Lawyers who come to see what is happend. Then zero notices that the suitcase has Stanley's name on it.
  • Ending/ Resolution

    The strangers take over the camp and the suitcase is given to Stanley. The warden wants him to open it but they advise not to. Then they tell Stanley to come with them to his parents and will do an investigation of everything that happend here. Then Zero is renuited with his mother. This is the Resolution of the story because the story has ended and Stanley has won the struggle at camp.