Hit & Miss

  • Derek's little sister Sharlee sees her bully while they are playing the park together.

    Derek's little sister Sharlee sees her bully while they are playing the park together.
    While the family is playing HORSE, Sharlee spots someone who Derek is unfamiliar with in the distance, and after he disappears Sharlee is in a bad mood and it is weird and different because she is usaully happy and energetic, so for most of the book Derek is left trying to figure out who the bully is and what had happened.
  • Dave the new kid is introduced to Derek's class and the kids already have an opinion on him.

    Dave the new kid is introduced to Derek's class and the kids already have an opinion on him.
    Dave is introduced by the teacher from the class and when he reveals that he is in fact from Beverly Hills everyone starts talking about how he must be a rich and ignorant person since he is from Beverly Hills and this kicks of his 2 weeks of relentless bullying from his classmates.
  • Derek finds out who is on his team and also the name of the team.

    Derek finds out who is on his team and also the name of the team.
    This is the time that Derek finds out more about who is on his team besides Dave. He also finds out that the team that he is playing for is called the Red Sox, this is tough for him to handle because he is a huge Yankees fan and their rival is the Red Sox and Derek dislikes them a lot.
  • The new kid Dave, finally opens up to Derek who is the first to talk to him and Dave takes him to his house.

    The new kid Dave, finally opens up to Derek who is the first to talk to him and Dave takes him to his house.
    The new kid Dave, is being bullied by others for being from Beverly Hills. For 2 weeks of school but Derek, knows that he is not a rich snob and tries talking to him a couple times before he is finally able to talk to him and talks to him about his way of helping him learn the game of baseball since he is new to baseball and on his team. Dave takes him to his mansion and tells Derek about his house and explains his mother and father's jobs and all the "rich" stuff that he has.
  • Derek is talking to Dave after their first game about the positives of what he did, but Dave is only able to focuse on the negatives of his performance on the field.

    Derek is talking to Dave after their first game about the positives of what he did, but Dave is only able to focuse on the negatives of his performance on the field.
    Dave, while Derek keeps bringing up the good that he had done, is only able to talk about the negatives like when Derek brings up his home run, he brings up the 2 times he stroke out and when Derek brought up his great catch, he brings up how he threw the ball to the wrong base.
  • Derek invites Dave, to the hill where all of his friends meet up to play baseball. After he tells his friends this they all start to talk about what they think Dave is like.

    Derek invites Dave, to the hill where all of his friends meet up to play baseball. After he tells his friends this they all start to talk about what they think Dave is like.
    After Derek mentions to his friends that Dave is on his way to the hill to play baseball and learn the rules of it with them, they start to talk about him badly and how he probably won't show up because he is too good for them and how annoying he must due to his family being wealthy.
  • Derek finally gets his first hit of the season of going 0-8 in his past 3 games.

    Derek finally gets his first hit of the season of going 0-8 in his past 3 games.
    After 3 games and not gaining 1 hit, and fixing his swing with his dad and friends Derek is finally able to achieve his first hit of the season and it’s a big relief and huge weight of his shoulders because Derek is the most experienced on the team and it difficult for him to stay focuse with his huge hitless streak, that he has now broken.
  • The day after he breaks his hitting streak, Derek finds out about Sharlees bully and goes to confront him.

    The day after he breaks his hitting streak, Derek finds out about Sharlees bully and goes to confront him.
    Derek's sister, Sharlee speaks about why she had been so upset at the basketball court months ago and revelas her bully to Derek. Derek the next day goes to confront the bully whose name is Jimmy Vickers and he meets him at the bus stop and grabs his shirt and threatens him to never mess with his sister ever again.
  • In the playoffs, after Derek's team barely makes it in, they lose in the playoffs.

    In the playoffs, after Derek's team barely makes it in, they lose in the playoffs.
    In the final inning of their playoff game, Derek's team the Red Sox, who are up by 1 are pitching and trying to close out their first playoff win but with runners on 2nd and 1st, the Yankees their opponent are able to hit a deep fly ball to center field where Derek's teammate, Cubby tries to dive out and catch it, but the ball was too far out and he is unable to make the catch and the Yankees walk off on the Red Sox and Derek and his teams playoff run is over before it really starts.