Jan 1, 1492
Christopher Colombus
An Intalian explorer who discovered the "New World" of the Americas on expedition. This caused Europeans to come and explore America also. -
May 10, 1497
Amerigo Vespucci
An Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer. America was named after his first name. He explored and found off that some of the things from Columbus voyages were false. -
Jan 1, 1519
Charles V
Charles V was a Spanish King that abdicated his throne and split the Hapsburg Empire into two parts. Since Charles V split Hapsburg things were diffrent for good and bad. If he hadn't split the land things would have been diffrent and the country would have been together instead of seprated. -
Jan 1, 1539
Hernando de Sato
Hernando de Sato was a Spanish explorer who led conquests to Central America and Peru. He was the First European to document his crossing of the Missippippi River. Hernando influenced other people to go and explorer new lands. -
Jan 1, 1556
Philip II
Phillip is the son of Charles V. Philip was from Hapsburg. He was a royal family member of the richest country in the world. He was the King of Spain. Phillip fought wars to secure and advance Catholic power. Phillip II had a big influence to the Catholic Church, he gave them power to influence to the people about Catholic beliefs. -
Henry IV
Huguenot King of Franch that granted religious freedom to Huguenots and Protetants in France with the Edict of Nates. Henry was called one of the greates Kings of France. Henry IV influenced others to want religious freedom in their country. People wanted to believe what they wanted. Henry effected France to move closer to absolutism. -
Henry Hudson
Henry Hudson was an English explorer who embarked on multiple sailing voyages that provided new informations on North American water routes. Henry helped other people to know where routes were. It helped it discovering new water routes and new trading routes on the water. -
Louis XIV
Louis father died when Louis was 5, he didn't take control of France till he was 18. He was considerd one of France's best Kings. Louis established Versailles which were places for kings,nobles and government officials to stay. Louis died but he left a big mark on the French culture, history and future of France. Louis led as a great example and may have influenced his grandson to be a great leader just like him. -
Peter The Great
Peter the Great westernized Russia, he relocated the Capitol of Russia to St. Petersburg. Peter also took control of taxes and the and he astablished the Russian Othodox Church. Peter effected other religions by creating a new religion. This caused people to leave their religions and join this new one. -
John Locke
John Locke was an english philosipher physician. Locke believed people weren't bad. He believed everyone had a natural right life. This means he thought it was right for them to have Liberty and to own property. Locke shared his belife that the government's job was to protect citizen natural rights. If this was violated by the government, the people could overthrow and take over the government. Locke influenced people to think in new ways because of the way he thought. -
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes was best know for being an English Philosipher. He believed that people are naturally greedy, cruel and selfish. Hobbes came up with the idea to have people sign a social contract or an agreement. This agrement says that people should give up their freedom to live in an organized society. He believed this was the right way the government should be run. Thomas paved a way for others to think that a controlled society is better because everything is monitored. -
Baron de Montesquieu
Baron De Montesquieu grew up in a rich family. He later became a lawyer in his local government. Baron De Montesquieu felt the best way for the government to protect people, was to split up government into three branches. Baron didn't believe that all people were equal. He thought women were lower than men. Even though he believed women were not as worthy as men, he thought that women's calmness would have a good place in government. Baron gave America the idea of branches of government. -
Adam Smith
Adam Smith was a Scottish philosipher. Smith supported the Kaiser afire. He believed this buisness should operate with little or no government interference.
He thought the Government has only three duties. The government should protect society, administer justice and provide public works. Adam influenced people to believe that the government is only there to take care of the people. He influenced people to think badly about the government. -
Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Wollstonecraft was a British Feminist. She had one of the first works of feminist philosophy. She argued that women should be educated.She argued that women not to be traded for men, they should have the same equal rights men do. Mary was one of the few women that spoke out for women's rights. She paved the way for other women to stand up for what they believe in and what they want. She had a big part in getting women equal rights.