Julius ceaser
he was born not rich and his dad died when he was 16. He was kidnapped by pirates, he got close to them, and then had them killed. -
Roman conquer judea
Zealots rebel against the romans. even after romans say that they dont have to worship roman gods because the jews were monotheistic. Romans destroy them. -
apostle paul
Paul made three long journeys through Rome to teach about jesus and plant churched. He was roman and hated christians and killed them but one day while he was riding a horse he was blinded by a light and god spoke to him and he was blinded. Then regained his vision and it changed him and he preached christianity until he died. -
The roman gladiator
It was adopted by the earlier Etruscan. Slaves were often put in for chances at a better life or as a punishment. Others that were put in were people who owed money to Rome another were people who wanted respect or money. -
Diocletian and Maxinian step down
It was surprising they actually stepped down instead of staying rulers like traditional ways where they remained rulers until death which usual ended badly. -
Constantius dies
When he died he wanted his son to Constantine to be Augustus instead of getting some one not related to him and since that was Constantius's last wish the army also wanted him to be Ausustus. -
Constantine was responsible for the rise of christianity in rome. In 313 he declared tolerance for christianity. Then later on christianity became the official state religion. This weakened the credibility of the emporer and the authority. -
Alexander the great death
He was 32 years onld and left the orders " Leave my empire to the strongest" He died from getting sick what he got is unknown. The empire divided in to 3 after he died (Greece, Persia, and Eygypt) -
phillip II assasination
He was at his daughters wedding he was assasinated by Pausinias a member of his body gaurd also his lover. Pausinias was mad becasue Phillip got with another pausinias. -
Alexander the Great
he takes his dads(phillip II)s empire at the age 20. He then conquers Persia and Babylon. Gets to india and soldiers convince him to turn back. He never lost a battle. -
Alaric lead the visigoths, barbarians who sacked rome. He destroyed Rome and took prisoners. -
Roman Theatere
Their influences were the Greeks, Etruscans, and the Uscans. They created a comedy style called Atellan Farce. Theature was important because it was complex and demenstrated Roman culture. -
Peloponnesian war
The war is between Sparta and Athens it lasts 27 years, Sparta has the geographic advantage. Perisa helps Sparta because they both dont like Athens. Spata conquers Athens. -
Economic excellence and direct democracy(citizens run the day to day affair of the government.) The policies were stipened, juries, and ostacism. -
Romulus Augustulus
He is the last Roman emporer and is 16 years old when he is deposed. -
Barbarian who forces Romulus to abdicate his throne. He declares himself the king of Italy. -
Nika Riots
Each team had a political part and every one took a side the Emporer usually took blue or green. When their team ould lose it usually led to destruction. And the leader at some point tried to have the chariot racers put to death. -
Rise of Islam
Started by Muhhammad because he was called by a angel to be a messenger of God. Took a journey called ht Hijra where he journeyed to Media which is a turning point because he conerts thousands. -
Nov 6, 605
he creates a empire that streaches from the Persian golf to the Mediterranean sea. He built the hanging gardens and the walls of Babylon. -
Dec 10, 632
Muhammad dies
After he died the faith he started continues to spread because the no longer had a leader. -
Dec 18, 661
Umayyad Caliphate
Their capital was in Demascus, Syria. they were welcomed as liberator in other places. They conquered people fairly. They were also in a golden age when they started to take over Europe which is a reason why they suceeded until they lost to the franks which perserved christianity. -
Dec 18, 732
Battle of tours
Franks vs Umayyad caliphate. The franks win which is important because it perserves christianity, If the franks lost then Islam would have spread instead of christianity. -
Dec 18, 756
Papal sepremacy developed
Papal sepremacy is where no king has the right to challenge the pope. If they did they got Excommunication where they basically say you go to hell and dont recieve communion. -
Sep 9, 1020
On the mediterranean sea between egypt and babylon. Founders of the first major monotheistic religion which is Judaism. -
Oct 3, 1250
Trojan War
Mycaenens conquer the minoans. The mycaeneans and trojans were trading rivals and hated each other. The greeks won the war. -
Sep 9, 1380
He orders Egyptian society to abandon the worship of all gods and goddnesses other than Aton. That caused nobles and common egyptians to abandon him and revolt against him. -
Feb 18, 1400
Lived in Florence, Italy but spent many years in Rome. He was a Renessance painter and painted the Creation of Adam. -
Mar 3, 1400
Indulgences was a lessening of the time a soul would have to spend in purgatory they were usually only rewarded to people who went on crusades. But since the chuch wanted to get more money to build bigger greater churches they started to sell them in a way scamming people to get money. -
Oct 14, 1400
Trojan War
Paris steals helen and most of Menelaus's money and war is declared. Greeks win the war with the trojan horse. -
Feb 28, 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci
A artist during the renissance he painted the mona lisa and the last supper. He was a major artist and influence for other artists during the renissance. -
Feb 28, 1456
Johann Gutenberg of Mainz, Germany
First to print something the first thing he printed was a bible. Which caused a printing revalotion that would transform Europe. By 1500 over 20 millian volumes had been printeed because of him. -
Oct 4, 1458
Thutmose III
Stepson of Hatshepsut. he streached Egypts borders to their greatest extent. He was a great military and conqueror. -
Sep 9, 1472
First female ruler in world history. She led massive construction projects and trade expeditions to central Africa. -
Feb 12, 1492
&00 year war to drive the Muslims out of Spain. Ended in 1492 with the conquest of Granada. -
Feb 26, 1492
Columbus sails to find the Indies
On august he set sail with three ships. But he never encountered until October 12. He had landed on the Caribbean and thought he had reached the Indies. -
Feb 26, 1494
Albert Durer
he traveled to Italy to study the techniques of the Italian masters. When he returned home he employed the methods he learned and even engraving. Many of his paintings were religious. -
Feb 18, 1497
Vasco da Gama
He led four ships aroound the Cape of Good Hope. After 10 month voyage he reached the spice port of Calicut. -
Feb 27, 1498
Portugal sails eastward
Portugal is the number one European country to colonize Africa. They also reached the Indies. They wanted to spread christianity and they wanted to find gold in Africa. -
Feb 28, 1500
Sofonisba Anguissola
A Italian noble women. Despite being a women and that her training to become a artist was limited or she had none at all she became court painter to King Philip II of Spain. -
Feb 28, 1513
Niccolo Machiavelli
He had served Florence Italy as a diplomat he wrote "The Prince" In which he used his personal experience of politics and his knowlege of past to offer guide to rulers on how to gain and maintain power. -
Mar 3, 1517
Johann Tetzel
A priest who set up a pulpit on the outskirts of Wittenberg. Who offered indulgences to any Christian who gave money for the rebuliding of rhw Cathedral of St. peter in Rome. -
Feb 27, 1519
He conquered the Aztecs 25 years after Columus. He wanted gold, he also killed the Aztec leader causing them to fall apart. -
Feb 28, 1520
An Italian painter and achitect during the rennisance. He was a few years younder than Michelangelo and Da Vinci and studied them. He painted the School of Athens which has Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato. Is one of the major artists of the renissance. -
Feb 27, 1522
Him and his crew were the first to circumnavigate the world. Also founded the stait of Magellan near the tip of Africa. -
Mar 4, 1524
The peasants revolt
In Germany the peasants revolted because they sides with Martin Luther in hope to gain support for social and economic reasons. The peasants called for the end of Serfdom but martain luther favored the social class order. And with Luthers support they suppressed the Revolt. -
Mar 3, 1530
Augsburg pg.46
The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V tried to force Lutherab princes back into the Catholic Church but with little sucess. -
Feb 27, 1542
Europeans explore the sea
They sailed because ethey needed to find a new trade route to Asia. Spices at the time were very vauluable and they needed them to perserve meat, perfume, and medicine. -
Feb 27, 1543
Nicolaus Copernicus
Polish scholar. First to propose heliocentric which means sun centered and that the earth and all the planets revolved around the sun. -
Feb 28, 1550
Francis bacon
A English man who devoted himself to theproblem of knowlege. He stressed expermentation and observation. He wanted to make life better for people by leading to practical technologies. -
Feb 28, 1550
Rene Descartes
He thought that human reasoning as the best road to understanding everything. In his Discourse on Method explains how he disgards all traditional authorities and search for probable knowlege. -
Jun 28, 1577
Peter Paul Rubens
Born in Siegen, Wastphalia(now Germany). Hes Catholic and painted battles but also beautiful landscapes. -
English poet from the renaissance. he wrote 37 plays that are still to this day performed around the world. More than 1700 words first appeared in his work. -
Scienctific method used
This method diidnt rely on authorities like aristotle, Ptolemy, or even the bible. It relied on observation and experimentation. Many religious authorities opposed it because people started to not listen to the bible. -
On the island of Crete ruled by Minos. Who supposably fed kid to the minotaur. They worshipped snake priestesses and engaged in human sacrifices. Originated from Iran. Firts europeans to use a written launguage called linear A. -
Natural right philosophy
A english philosopher ,John Locke, who came up with natural rights philosophy which is every person is born with inherit rights. -
Galileo on trial for his idea
Galileo went on trial for his idea that the earth moved around the sun because he obsereved that the planets moving with his telescope. -
Rise of Dutch
The dutch settled near the Cape of Good Hope. Their decendents became the Afrikaner ethnic group with Afrikaner as their launguage. -
Old Regime
The old regime was made up of Royals, nobles and clergy. It was a outated social class system that emerged in the Middle age. -
Hammurabi take control
Hammurabi brings most of mesopotamia unter his control. He published the first set of rules called HAmmurabi's code. -
Austria seeks revenge
Austria wanted revenge on the French for the Battle of Austerlitz but once again the French won at the battle of Wagram. Austria surrendered their lands which was popullated wth 3 million subjects. -
Napolean divorces Marie Louise
He divorced him because he wanted to marry the daughter of the Hapsburg Empire a austrailian princess so he could claim kinship with the royalty of Europe. -
Napoleans defeat in Russia
Napolean brought 400,000 troops into Russia. But to avoid battles with Napolean, Russia retreated back and burned crops and villages. which left the French cold and hungry. Napolean then tried to go back then Russia attacked and only 10,000 of the French survived. -
Battle of Nations
It was in Leipzig, Russia. Where they finally defeated Napolean. It was Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia against France. -
simon bolivars Compana Admirable
He invaded Venuzuala and it resulted in the formation of the Venezualan Second republic later that year. -
Battle of Waterloo
British forces under Duke of Wellington and a Prussia army commanded by General Blucher crushed the French in a day. Napolean was forced to abicate and exiled to St. Helena a island in the south Atlantic. He would not return. -
Bolivar dies
He resigned his post then was sailing to Santa Marta, Columbia but died from tuberculosis. -
Mau's backround
Mau was born a peasent. He was a marxist follower and rose to power by spreading communism to chineese peasents. He offered land, schooling, and health care to peasents. -
he was born in bethlehem and was jewish. He was also a desendent of King David. He preached in villages near the sea of Galilee. The crucified by romans to appease the zealots. -
China's history
China was ruled by monarchs untill 1911. Republic established by Sun Yixan in 1911. In 1912 the republic falls and is replaced by dictator Yuan Skikai. 1916 Shikai dies and civil war begins. When WWI ends Japan gains land in China causing riots. Sun Yixian creates Goumingdang part whose goal was to reunite china. They slaughtered people of different political parties. -
He was a illiterate peasant. He was a caretaker for diseased Romanov son. He also effectively ruled Russia while Nicholas was gone and was assassinated by Nobled. -
Monarchy Collapses: March Revolution
Bread riots important because it helped create a Constitutional governent. Military refused to protect the Czar and the Czar abdicated the thron and flees. -
Totalitarian control
Stalin turned communism into totlaitarianism, basically a dctatorship. This completly took away privacy and freedom. Their propaganda was many countries were being flooded with how communism was making everything better and capitalism is failing. This led to extreme nationalism. -
Nazi Germany’s systematic murder of European Jews. Started by hitler.Six million deaths- 2/3 of the Jewish population in Europe. -
Italy invades Ethiopia
Italy invaded Ethiopia and the Etheiopians tried to resisted but their outdated weapons were no match for Mussolini's tanks, machine guns, poison gas, and airplanes. -
Japanese armies
Japanese armies overran much of eastern China, Western protests had no effect on the the conquer. -
German attack on Guernica
German launched a air raid on Guernica, a small spanish market town that held no military value. They dropped their bombs then went through the streets with machine guns and killed any one who survived the bomb. An Estimated 1,600 innocent people died. -
Munich Conference
British and French leaders again chose appeasement. They caved in to Hitlers demands and them persuaded the Czrchs to surrender the Sudetenland with out a fight. In exchange Hitler assured Britan and France that he had no further plans to expand his territory. -
Nazi-Soviet attack
Hitler stunned the world by announcing a nonaggression pact with his grear enemy Josheph Stalin. Nazi-Soviet bound Hitler and Stalin to peaceful relations. They agreed not to fight if the other went to war and to divide up Poland and other parts of Eatern Europe. -
Ceasars Death
assassinated by many Roman senators who called them self the liberators, which was lead by Brutus his best friend. -
Roman Chariot Races
They had four colors for teams Blue, green, red, and white. Each team had political ties. Lead to nika riots. -
Mau Zedoungs battle for control
Mau promised equal right for women and he supported peasents so they supported him. He wins control because people saw Guomindang as immoral because they went around killing. -
Great leap foward
Mau wanted to icrease farm and industrial output. He created communes(25,000, schools, factories, housing, and small industries.) His hope was to bring China into the mpodern age. -
First Triumvirate
Formed by Caesar, Pompey, Crassus- scheme to take down the Republic
Era- 1 republic2 Empire -
Rise of Christian Religion
Christianity was accepted and there were mystery cults. It was good to be Christian at the time. -
Cutltural Revolution
Mau's goal of it was to purge China of bourgeois tendencies and have the new generation experience the ;Chineese Revolution. It created the red guard. Resulted in closed schools and factories, civil war was threatened, and red guard became a lost generation. -
Proposed that the earth was the center of the universe. Left the western world ignorant for the next 1500 years. Greeks had already proved that the sun was the center of the universe 300 years before. -
middle kingdom
got conqured by hyksos at this time. Spread their religion and culture to the people who captured them. -
He unifies Cyrus persian empire and is the first ruler to divide rule with provinces and governors. He also developed a code of law and built hundreds of miles of roads. One important thing he did was creating the first succsess full money system. -
Vikings invade Europe
They invaded because they needed fertile land to farm. And wanted better climates. -
Ethiopian king begs for help
Ethiopian king, Haile Selassie asked the League of Nations for help. The League voted sanctions or penalties against Italy for violating international law. -
Persian War
The lonians start to rebel against the persians. So Athens sent ships to help the lonians. the Persians crushed all rebel cities. Persians conquered the Athens. -
Legend and Romulus and Remus
They were born and the were suppose to be killed but survived and a wolf found them and raised them. They eventually were found and then their grandfather heard of them and tolf them what happened. So they over threw the bad guy and ruled and romulus killed remus over a city they built. -
pax romana
It made it so you could have safe, easy travels, academic achievment, wealth, cultural advancement. Important because it helped advancements. -
Phillip II comes to power
He is the ruler of Macedonia and dreams of conquering the south. He then conquers Athens and Thebes in 338. And eventually conquers all of Greece. -
Franks rise to power
The Franks rise to power and unite with the Catholic Church. They both benifit from it the Franks have the church giving them power and the Franks like there to keep every one in line. -
Proposed that the earth was the center of the unuverse, because of him left the western world ignorant for 1500. -
Vikings paid to leave Paris
The vikings head to paris where they defreat the franks. They are then paid to leave. The frankish king defeated was Charles the bald. -
Vikings invade England
The vikings had boats made to sail rivers, they got to England on the Thames river. When they arrived the people from England thought they were Merchants so thought nothing of it and the vikings killed them -
Charles Martel
Frankish Ruler known to be the one to develop feudilism. ANd a good figure from the dark ages. -
Clovis "Converts the Franks to Chrisianity
After he makes a alliance with the Catholic Church he converts the franks to christianity but it was only to make a alliance with the church to make him more powerful they jsut said they were christian. -
Sargons Death
After Sargon died his kindom relovted at the lose of their ruler. New conquers split and destroyed his empire. -
sargon counquers sumerians
sargon buil the worlds frst empire. At the end of his rain his empire crumbled. -
old kingdom
great time for egypt they are the ones who built the pyrmids.But pyrmids were expensive so because of all the pyrmids they build they were in dept. -
Indus civilization
They covered the largest amount of land until Sargon. They had two well planned cities: Harappa and Mohenjo- Daro. They were polytheistic. Ventured the buffalo anf the bull. -
belived to of invented the first wheeled vehicale and created the worlds first complex religious system. first to study mathematics and astronomy. -
neolithic revolution
In the neolithic revolution they domesticated animals, jump started the arts, invented basic technology. -
humans transitioned to farmers
humans went from nomads to farmers. They had villages, new technoligies, and it leads to the civilization of mankind.