History of Islam

By pat.rb
  • Jun 8, 632

    Prophet Muhammad Dies

    Prophet Muhammad Dies
    On June 8th, 632 CE, Muhammad passed away after being poisoned following an attack on the Jewish settlement of Khaibar. Following his death, there was much disagreement as to who should take over for Muhammad. After much arguing, Abu Bakr was made the first Caliph by the Muslim community.
  • Sep 28, 661

    Umayyad Dynasty

    Umayyad Dynasty
    The Umayyad Dynasty was the first major Muslim dynasty to rule the empire of Caliphate. The Umayyads were led by Abū Sufyān, who was part of a merchant family of the Quraysh tribe at Mecca. The Umayyads had for long rejected Islam, but converted in 621, becoming administrators of Muhammad. Under the rule of ʿAbd al-Malik, Muslims overtook many territories, such as Spain and India, along with Arabic becoming the first official state language.
  • Sep 28, 711

    Conquest of Sindh

    Conquest of Sindh
    The first large-scale Muslim conquest took place when general Muhammad bin Qasim decided to take his forced and invade Sindh, India. This followed a march along the coast of Makran. There was little resistance from most towns, but some put up a fight, such as the city of Debal, and the kingdoms of Gujara and Chalukya.
  • Oct 10, 732

    The Battle of Tours in France

    The Battle of Tours in France
    Spanish Moors were attempting to take over the France territory and spread the word of Allah, but France put up much resistance, causing the Battle of Tours. It took place near Poitiers, France, where Muslim governor of Cordoba, Abd-ar-Rahman was killed during the battle. The Moors realized that they had lost the battle and retreated. They never again attempted to return to France. They prevented the spread of Islam in a heavily populated area of Europe, which was a huge blow for Muslim forces.
  • Jan 25, 750

    The Battle of the Zab

    The Battle of the Zab
    After three years of rebellion against the Umayyad Caliphate, a battle broke out on the Zab River in Iraq. They battled against the Abbasid army, who were much stronger than the Syrian army. The Umayyad army was pummeled by a wall of spears formed by Abbasid army. The loss of this war ended the reign of the Umayyad dynasty and allowed the Abbasid dynasty to take over.
  • Sep 28, 850

    Mutawakkil restores orthodoxy

    Mutawakkil restores orthodoxy
    In 847, al-Mutawakkil took over as Caliph for al-Wāthiq. Mutawakkil took a position of Islam orthodoxy and began to persecute all non-Muslims. All churches and synagogues in Baghdad were destroyed, and a shrine of al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī was obliterated. He became strict about special dress, as all Christians and Jews had a "dress code". Al-Mutawakkil was eventually assassinated by Turkish soldiers after they were prompted by his Mutawakkil's oldest son, al-Muntasir.
  • Sep 28, 900

    Golden Age of Islam

    Golden Age of Islam
    The Golden Age of Islam was the era in which many advances and leaps forward in society and economy were made. This started when Caliph Al-Mamun had a vivid dream of a man sitting on his couch. The man was Aristotle. Aristotle and Mamun would have conversations about religion,economy, and society. Following these conversations, Mamun ordered for the first Library to be built. In this golden age, the first credit and checks banking system were developed, and people could move up in social class.
  • Sep 28, 1055


    In 1055, the Sultan of Great Seljuk, Tughril, took control over the Abbasid empire. After doing so, the Caliphs referred to him as The Ruler. Along with taking control of the most powerful empire in the world at the time, he also managed to establish Turkish Rule and some Turkish customs in the Muslim world.
  • Sep 29, 1095

    The First Crusades

    The First Crusades
    In 1095, the first crusades began. It began when the Christian armies from West Europe reacted to Pope Urban saying that he wanted to go to War with the Muslims. The first crusade achieved its goal of capturing Jerusalem.
  • Jun 7, 1099

    Siege of Jerusalem

    Siege of Jerusalem
    On June 7th, 1099, the final portion of the First crusade began. The goal was to capture Jerusalem and make is Muslim and Islam territory. The crusade lasted over a month, ending on July 15th. The crusaders successfully captured Jerusalem, taking it away from the Fatimid Caliphate. Following it's siege, they created the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
  • Sep 20, 1187

    Second Siege of Jerusalem

    Second Siege of Jerusalem
    Starting on September 20th, the second siege of the city of Jerusalem began. This occurred when Balian of Ibelin gave up the city to Saladin. This huge blow officially ended the first Kingdom of Jerusalem.
  • Sep 29, 1216

    North Morocco Conquest

    North Morocco Conquest
    In the year 1216, the Banu Marin, under the rule of Abdul Haq, take over the northern area of the Morocco territory. Along with that, the Battle of Nakur took place, in which the Banu Marin defeated the Al Mohads.
  • Jan 29, 1258

    Abbasid Caliphate Ends

    Abbasid Caliphate Ends
    Since the eighth century, Baghdad was the center of the Abbasid Caliph.In 1258, Mongols invaded the city and demanded that it be handed over to them. The Mongols looted the whole city and murdered most of its residents. They claimed the city and out an end to the Abbasid Caliph
  • Sep 30, 1300

    The 12th Century

    The 12th Century
    In the very beginning of the 12th century, Muhammud 2 passed away in Granada. In 1304, Ghazan and Athman both died in the Mongol II-Khans empire.
  • Sep 30, 1492

    Fall of Islamic Spain

    Fall of Islamic Spain
    The fall of Islamic Spain was mostly due to the power getting to the heads of the rulers.The large Islamic Caliphate had split into multiple small kingdoms. Eventually, a battle against northern Africa caused the muslims to lose all power, causing the fall of ISlam in spain.
  • The Reign Of Sultan Suleyman Kanuni

    The Reign Of Sultan Suleyman Kanuni
    Sultan Suleyman Kanuni is a mostly forgotten ruler of the Islams.He had to deal with many different issuel, such as the Rhodes and the dissassembling of the Knights of the Rhodes.