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History of Fingerprinting

  • 1792 BCE

    Babylon Fingerprinting

    Babylon Fingerprinting
    Archaeologists discovered fingerprints that were pressed in clay tablet contracts from this time period
  • Dr. Nehemiah

    Dr. Nehemiah
    The earliest record of the study of human hand patterns came from Nehemiah. He wrote a paper describing patterns on hands under a microscope.
  • Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer

    Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer
    Claimed that "the arrangement of skin ridges is never duplicated in two persons." He was the first scientists to recognize this fact.
  • Jan Evangelist Purkyn

    Jan Evangelist Purkyn
    He described nine distinct fingerprint patterns including loops, spirals, circles, and double whorls.
  • Sir William Herschel

    Sir William Herschel
    He collected fingerprints and noted that the patterns were unique and weren't altered by age.
  • Alphonse Bertillion

    Alphonse Bertillion
    He created a way to identify criminals. His system is called Bertillonage. It was first used in 1883 to identify a repeating offender.
  • Ivan Vucetich

    Ivan Vucetich
    He improved the fingerprint collection and devised his own fingerprint classification system. He invented a better way of taking impressions.
  • Sir Edmund Richard Henry

    Sir Edmund Richard Henry
    He created a system that divided fingerprint records into groups based on their patterns. They put them on a ten card.
  • Sir Francis Galton

    Sir Francis Galton
    He was credited with solving the first murder using fingerprints. He was able to verify that fingerprints don not change with age.
  • AFIS Created

    AFIS Created
    The Automated Fingerprint Identification System uses digital imaging technology to analyse fingerprint data. This was originally used in the FBI.