History of Attila the Hun

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    Birth of a Tyrant

    A boy named attila was born
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    Attila the Hun

    Attila the Hun
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    Ruler And King

    Attila the Hun was king and general of the Hun empire from 433 A.D. to 453.
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    More Power

    Succeeding his uncle, King Roas, in 433, Attila shared his throne with his brother Bleda.
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    New Recruits

    Attila inherited the Scythian hordes who were disorganized and weakened by internal strife.
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    Attilas New Great Army

    Attila's first order of affairs was to unite his subjects for the purpose of creating one of the most formidable and feared armies Asia had ever seen.
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    Peace Treaty

    In 434 East Roman Emperor Theodosius II offered Attila and Bleda 660 pounds of gold annually with hopes of securing an everlasting peace with the Huns.
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    The peace, however, was not long lived. In 441 Attila's Huns attacked the Eastern Roman Empire.
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    Path of Destruction

    The success of this invasion emboldened Attila to continue his westward expansion. Passing unhindered through Austria and Germany, Attila plundered and devastated all in his path.
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    To a New Country

    In 451, having suffered a setback on the Plains of Chalons, by the allied Romans and Visigoths, Attila turned his attention to Italy.
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    Letting Them Live

    After having laid waste to Aquileia and many Lombard cities in 452, the Scourge of God met Pope Leo I who dissuaded him from sacking Rome.
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    Death of Attila the Hun part 1 out of 2

    Attila's death in 453 wasn't quite what one would have expected from such a fierce barbarian warrior. He died not on the battlefield, but on the night of his marriage. On that night Attila, who, despite common misconceptions, was not a heavy drinker, drank heavily in celebration of his new bride.
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    part 2

    In his wedding chambers at the end of the event, Attila passed out flat on his back. It was then and there that Attila had a massive nosebleed which caused him to choke on his own blood.
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    Map of the Hunic Empire

    Map of the Hunic Empire
    This is a map that shows the power that the Huns had When Attila the Hun was still alive