History Film

  • The start

    A kinitoascope parlor had a issue with one person at a time
  • Edison Corporation

    cameraman direct and produce they great robbery
  • movie theater

    first movie theater in pittsburgh
  • magazine

    Photoplay debuts as the first magazine for movie fans.
  • charlie chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin, plays the Little Tramp, his most famous character.
  • frank Estienne

    Some 40 years after his fathers untimely demise, Henry Frankenstein’s son Wolf, a doctor himself, returns to his ancestral home only to find the locals aren’t exactly the forgive and forget type. On top of all the personal horror they recall, tourism never did pick up again.
  • Ygor recovers

    Ygor recovers from his gunshot wound, which turned out to be not so fatal after all. Meanwhile, the debate begins in the village over what exactly should be done with Frankenstein’s nearly vacant castle.
  • frankestine

    t took some time and some doing, considering the size of the monster and Ygor’s own physical condition, but the twisted little graverobber finally deposits Henry Frankenstein’s creation on the doorstep of his other son, Ludwig Frankenstein.
  • wolf man

    Two hapless graverobbers make the mistake of prying open the tomb of Larry Talbot on the night of a full moon. The remarkably well-preserved Talbot returns to life, becomes a werewolf, and later awakens in a hospital where he has a difficult time convincing his doctor that yes, he was actually killed and buried several years earlier.
  • Dracula

    After years of talking, Dr. Niemann finally goes through with it and escapes from prison with Daniel. They hijack a one-man sideshow wagon, kill the owner/impresario, and steal his identity. As it happens, at this point in history, this travelling show of horrors is in possession of Dracula’s original coffin, complete with skeleton and stake. Niemann removes the stake, revives Dracula,
  • dracula returns

    A few short months later, Dracula (using an assumed name) shows up at Dr. Edelman’s to seek a cure for his vampirism. It’s unclear how he was revived this time around, but that’s immaterial. What matters is he knows Edelman has his coffin down there in the storeroom.
  • The Super Bet

    Bet on a horse race for $25,000 cause the horse galloped and all 4 feet got off the ground