Dec 12, 1534
Jaques Cartier claims new land for France
Samuel de Champlain worked tirelessly to build a colony
the Huron persuaded Champlain to help them attack the Iroquois
Mercantilisum started to be enforeced
the first jesuits arrived in new france
Seigneuries and Seigneurs started coming to New France
Ursulines Nuns (Marie Martain) Arrived in New France
Laval was appointed Bishop of New France
Iroqouis attacked Hurons
iroquois attaked the jesuits land
Realationships with the Frist Nations
Bad -
alcohol is band from the fur trade
Effects on the first nations from the French -
Filles de Roi Arrive in New France
the company of 100 associations controled new france in the name of king
Jean Talon was appointed as the Intendent of New France
Jean Talon left New France
Governer (louis de buade) He was the most famous of New France.
He held position from 1672-1682 and 1689-1698. -
The Intermarriage between the europeans and the first nations child were called Metis people.